[H-verkko] Tutkimuspyyntö: Short Term Scientific Missions - COST Action IS1005 Medieval Europe

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Mon Nov 21 09:28:08 EET 2011

Agricolan tutkimuspyyntötietokantaan
( http://agricola.utu.fi/tutk/ttarjotaan/ )
on tullut seuraava ilmoitus:

Short Term Scientific Missions - COST Action IS1005 Medieval Europe

COST Action IS1005
Medieval Europe - Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources

Short Term Scientific Missions


STSM are aimed at fostering collaboration, learning new techniques or
using working instruments not available in the home institution. The
objectives of the STSM must be in accordance with the main objectives
of COST Action IS 1005, that is, to increase accessibility to and
integration of medieval research data and tools through the use of
improved technological instruments and skills.
All candidates should carefully read and comply with the instructions
given in point 4 of the  COST Vademecum Grant System document,
available at: http://www.cost.esf.org/participate/guidelines.
COST Action IS1005 will make a continuously updated public “Call for
STSMs” on the Ac-tion’s website. Any candidate may, on a personal
basis, suggest an STSM and apply for it,
provided that 1) it complies with COST rules, and 2) an agreement
from both the home and host institutions is given.

Application for an STSM is an open and ongoing process. Nevertheless,
the STSM coordinator recommends presenting the applications before 1
January 2012, as the assessment committee will make a decision about
the grants in course of the following month.
Applications should be made online through
https://e-services.cost.eu/stms. The online registration tool will
generate a formal application which will be sent by the applicant
elec-tronically to the host institution and to the STSM coordinator
(mariadelcarmen.cardellegonzalez at uzh.ch) accompanied by the following
documents (in PDF):
- A short description of the proposed STSM, providing a clear
schedule of the work planned and stating to what extent this mission
will contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action (max.
one page).
- A short CV, with list of publications (if applicable)
- Support letter from home institution (e.g. from the promoter or the
head of the research unit)
- Letter of invitation of the host institution (e.g. from the head of
the research unit)
- Support letter from a MC member from the applicant’s country (see
the list here:

The decision about the granting of a contribution for STSM will be
taken by the STSM coordinator and the assessment committee, composed
by the members of the Steering Group, Prof. Caroline Macé (Leuven)
and Dr. Simon Mercieca (Malta).
The criteria used for assessment of applications will be:
- the relevance of the project  to the objectives of the COST Action
IS 1005
-the scientific quality of the application
STSM from or to an institution taking actively part at the COST
Action IS1005 will receive priority.
The COST Action promotes gender balance, as far as possible and
especially supports early-stage researchers.

After completion of the STSM the grantee is required to submit a
short scientific report about the visit to the host institution and
to the STSM coordinator within 4 weeks after the completion of
his/her stay.
This report should contain the following pieces of information:
- a reminder of the goals of this STSM, as stated in the application

- a description of the work carried out during the STSM
- a description of the main results obtained
- concrete plans for any future collaboration with the host
institution (if applicable)
- confirmation by the host institution of the successful execution of
the STSM

The report will be published on the web page of Medioevo Europeo.

Prof. Dr. Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann (STSM coordinator)
Institute of Medieval Latin Studies, University of Zürich

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Tuomas Heikkilä <tuomas.m.heikkila at helsinki.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 31.12.2011
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: http://www.medioevoeuropeo.eu/