[H-verkko] Turku, Masculinity, modernisation and societal reforms
agricola at utu.fi
agricola at utu.fi
To Nov 3 16:00:53 EET 2011
Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
Masculinity, modernisation and societal reforms
Turku 16.11.2011 klo 17:00 - 18.11.2011
Conference: Masculinity, modernisation and societal reforms in the
Nordic Countries, 1900–1960
Åbo Akademi University, Nov. 16th–18th, 2011
Venue: Auditorium Westermarck, Humanist Centre Arken Building C, Room
101. Street address: Tehtaankatu 2, Turku.
All sessions are open to the public – please register by Nov 14th to
aahlback at abo.fi
17.00 Conference opening
17.15 Keynote lecture:
Jeff Hearn, Critically assessing uses of the concept of citizenship:
A view from the borders
THURSDAY, Nov. 17th
09.00 Keynote lecture:
Ella Johansson, Traditional masculinities – impact on modernity and
10.30 Papers:
- Hanna Enefalk, Temperance turning a blind eye: Alcohol, class and
gender in the upper strata of Swedish society 1772–1922
- Matias Kaihovirta, The image of the Swedish-speaking worker and the
construction of the 'Finland-Swedish' in the light of gender-history
- Jussi Turtiainen, Social Darwinist Masculinity? Manhood in the
organized sport in interwar years
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Papers:
- Christian Widholm, Entrepreneurship, Nationalism and Gender
- Anders Ahlbäck, Ethnicity, military service and male civic
in/exclusion in Finland, 1918–1928
15.10 Papers:
- Ville Kivimäki, War experiences and the modernization of manhood:
The military man as object of psychological and sociological
observations in post-war Finland
- Karoliina Sysiharju: Knowing the Finnish frontline soldier –
information officers engineering combat readiness through
psychological knowledge
16.30 End of session
FRIDAY, Nov. 18th
09.00 Keynote lecture:
Ann-Catrin Östman: Shaming and emancipating men. Rural manhood and
the rhetoric of masculinity
10.15 Papers:
- Marja-Terttu Kivirinta: The illustration of Sven Dufva by Edelfelt:
A representation of modern military masculinity?
- Jens Petter Kollhøj: Socialist antimilitarist manlinesses: Visual
representations and normativity in Norway ca 1914
11.40 Lunch
12.30 Papers:
- Seija-Leena Nevala-Nurmi: Tough Warriors or Gentle Family Men –
Masculinities in the Finnish Civil Guards
- Ilana Aalto: Governing fatherhood, governing families. The
emergence of fatherhood politics in Finland, ca. 1960–2000
14.10 Final discussion:
Jeff Hearn, Pirjo Markkola, Anders Ahlbäck. Chair: Ann-Catrin Östman
15.00 End of programme
Conference website ( https://www.abo.fi/student/en/histkonf )
Anders Ahlbäck <aahlback at abo.fi> puh. 0500 707 981
Ilmoitus lähetetty: 3.11.2011 11:36
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