[H-verkko] =?UNKNOWN?B?VmVu5GrkLA==?= Transboundary Landscapes seminaari ja jatko-opintokurssi
agricola at utu.fi
agricola at utu.fi
Pe Maalis 27 13:10:55 EET 2009
Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
Transboundary Landscapes seminaari ja jatko-opintokurssi
Venäjä 13.05.2009 klo 08:00 - 15.05.2009 klo 20:00
Universities of Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Tallinn and Turku &
Nordic Landscape Research Network
Mekrijärvi, Finland and Sortavala, Russia 13 – 15 May 2009
According to Friedrich Ratzel’s classical definition, borders were an
organic element of nation states, from which followed their relentless
interest in it and the adjoining areas. Later, Doreen Massey has
characterised borders as crucial parts to the process in which places
and place-based identities are produced. Yet the defining power of
borders is constantly challenged by the flows and networks between
people, goods and ideas across them. These contribute to the
formation of transboundary identities and landscapes.
The location of the seminar and doctoral course is in a borderland
par excellence. The histories of the area show in the strata of
landscapes on both sides of the border as well as in that of the
border itself. The latter has evolved from a transitional zone into
a superimposed political boundary, dividing the ethnic population in
two, and subsequently into a cultural border. In the process the
location of the border has shifted several times, leaving behind
fossilised borders. Major population changes have taken place both
voluntarily and involuntarily, creating diasporic identities
(Orthodox Karelians in Tver, Karelian migrants in Finland). The
opacity of the border has varied between full transparency to iron
The area to be visited is known as Karelia, by no means an exact
geographical entity. On the Finnish side is currently the region of
North Karelia, on the Russian side a part of the Karelian Republic.
Both sides have historically changed their political allegiance as
well as religion, the Russian side even its majority language.
Trans¬boundary networks are being shaped by Finnish tourism, partly
by former inhabitants of Ladogan Karelia, Finnish volunteer activity
in Russia, Russian/Karelian immigration into Finland as well as
business and tourism. Shared elements of cultural heritage are
recognised, although their value to different groups is not
necessarily agreed upon.
The seminar and doctoral course will discuss borders and
transboundary issues from both a theoretical point of view and in
terms of concrete case studies from Karelia and elsewhere. Papers
are invited from doctoral students in Nordic and Baltic countries
interested in landscape. Also MA students of the School of Cultural
Production and Landscape Studies & Baltic Sea Region Studies
programme are welcome to participate with their own agenda.
Schedule, arrangements and financing
The venues will be the research station of the University of Joensuu
in Mekrijärvi and the hotel Kaunis in Sortavala. The arrival to
Mekrijärvi will take place on Tuesday 12 May via Joensuu. The seminar
dates are Wednesday 13 in Mekrijärvi and Thursday 14 in Sortavala,
followed by a post-seminar excursion to the surroundings of Sortavala
and the village of Kurkijoki on the Russian side. The programme will
end by returning to Joensuu on Friday 15 evening.
It is reminded that all participants travelling to Russia must have a
visa. Apart from that, the Nordic Landscape Research Network will
take care of the transfer from Mekrijärvi to Sortavala and back to
Joensuu (by bus). The Nordic Landscape Research Network will
contribute to the personal travel costs of accepted doctoral course
participants, the extent is to be specified later. The costs of MA
students will be dealt with separately.
Keynote speakers
Tom Selwyn, University College of London, UK
Maunu Häyrynen, University of Turku, Finland
Pirkkoliisa Ahponen, University of Joensuu, Finland
Gregory Isachenko, University of St Petersburg, Russia
Tatiana Isachenko, University of St Petersburg, Russia
Alexander Pashkov, University of Petrozavodsk, Russia
Sergei Verigin, University of Petrozavodsk, Russia
Vladimir Kaganski, University of Moscow, Russia
Hannes Palang, University of Tallinn, Estonia
Gabriel Bladh, University of Karlstad, Sweden
Tomas Germundsson, University of Lund, Sweden
Call for abstracts
The doctoral students participating to the seminar and course will
submit a 250-word abstract by Wednesday 1 April to Ms Tiina Huolman,
tiina.huolman at utu.fi (as e-mail or text / Word files). The topics of
the abstracts should pertain to transboundary issues such as:
Transboundary landscapes as areal category; Time layers and change in
transboundary landscapes; Transboundary communities and networks;
Transboundary identities and heritage; Nationalism and transboundary
landscape; Iconography and imagery of transboundary landscape;
Negotiation and development of transboundary landscape. The following
bibliography offers basic reading on the study of transboundary
Those submitting an abstract will be notified about their accepting
to the seminar and course by Thursday 9 April. Doctoral students are
expected to present a 2.000 – 3.000-word paper in the seminar,
referring to research literature given below, and to participate in
the plenary and paper sessions. The organisers will provide each
student a certificate of attending the seminar.
Further information
Maunu Häyrynen, University of Turku, mauhay at utu.fi
Gregory Isachenko, University of St. Petersburg,
greg.isachenko at gmail.com
Hakamies, Pekka: Migrating and Local Identity in Former Territories
of the USSR - Moving in the USSR.:Western Anomalies and Northern
Wilderness. Finland Literature Society, Helsinki, 2005.
Häkli, J. & Kaplan, D.: Boundaries and place. European borderlands in
geographical context. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Oxford, 2002.
Herb, Guntrom H, & Kaplan, David H. (ed..): Nested identities,
nationalism, territory and scale. Rowman&Littlefielf, New York,
Jukarainen, Pirjo: Norden is Dead - Long Live the Eastwards Faced
Euro-North: Geopolitical Re-making of Norden in a Nordic Journal.
University on Joensuu, Karelian Institute, 1999.
Kaplan, David H.& Häkli, Jouni: Boundaries and place : European
borderlands in geographical context. Rowman & Littlefield , 2002.
Karelia - Bicultural Landscape: special edition. Fennia 182:1,
Geographical Society of Finland, Helsinki, 2004.
Kauppala, Pekka: Regionalization and the Russian North. The current
condition and development trends. Renvall Institute, Helsinki, 2000.
Kosonen, R.: Boundary, institutions and endogenous development. The
case of Vyborg. Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja, 1996.
Laine, Jussi: Incommodious border?Rethinking the function of the
Finnish-Russian border. Fennia 185/1, Geographical Society of
Finland, Helsinki, 2007.
Landgren, Lars-Folke & Häyrynen (eds.): The dividing line. Borders
and national peripheries. Renvall Institute Publications, University
of Helsinki, Helsinki, 1997.
Meinhof, U.: Living with borders. Identity discourses on East-West
borders of Europe. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2002.
Migdal, Joel S.: Boundaries and belonging. States and societes in the
struggle to shape identities and local practic. Cambridge University
Press, New York, 2004.
Mikhailova, Nadezhda, Leshko Eugeny&Lintunen, Petri: Land use
planning, tourism and regional development in the Nort-West Coast of
Lake Ladoga and Eastern Lake Saimaa Area. Petroskoi. Karjalan
tutkimuskeskus, 2000.
Paasi, Anssi: Boundaries as barriers and promoters : constructing the
tourist landscapes of Finnish Karelia. Bowling Green State University,
Paasi, Anssi: On the Border of the Western and Eastern Worlds. The
emergence of the utopia of the Wärtsilä community in Eastern Finland.
Tiedonantoja n:o 6, Joensuun yliopisto, Kulttuuri- ja
suunnittelumaantiede, Joensuu, 1988.
Paasi, Anssi: Territories, Boundaries and Consciousness. the Changing
Geographies of the Finnish -Russian Border. Chichester, John
Wiley&Sons, 1996.
Palang, Hannes & Fry, Gary (eds.): Landscape Interfaces: cultural
herritage in changing landscapes. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, 2003.
Raivo, Petri J.: Transformation of religious landscapes. The Finnish
Orthodox Church. Nordia Geographical Publications 25:1, 1996.
Shields, R.: Places on the margin. Routledge, London, 1991.
Timothy, D.: Tourism and Political Boundaries. Routledge, London,
Maunu Häyrynen <mauhay at utu.fi> puh. 02-333 8128, 040-8649 406
Ilmoituksen lähetti:
Maunu Häyrynen <mauhay at utu.fi>
26.3.2009 10:37
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