[H-verkko] CFP: ESSHC Ghent 2010. Experiences of Chance, Motivation and Risk in Gambling, DL 1.5.2009
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Ke Apr 8 21:59:34 EEST 2009
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on tullut seuraava ilmoitus:
ESSHC Ghent 2010. Experiences of Chance, Motivation and Risk in
Gambling, DL 1.5.2009
CFP: ESSHC Ghent 2010. Experiences of Chance, Motivation and Risk in
Gambling, DL 1.5.2009
Tervetuloa osallistumaan European Social Science History Conferencen
Experiences of Chance, Motivation and Risk in Gambling -sessioon
Belgian Gentissa huhtikuussa 2010! Lisätietoja itse konferenssista ja
session järjestävästä Material and Consumer Culture Networkista löydät
konferenssisivuilta osoitteista http://www.iisg.nl/esshc/index.php ja
Abstraktien jättöpäivä sessiota varten on 1.5.2009. Abstraktin
lähettäjien on rekisteröidyttävä konferenssisivuilla. Alla
englanninkielinen kuvaus sessiosta ja järjestäjän yhteystiedot.
Lisätietoja saa tarvittaessa session järjestäjältä.
Experiences of Chance, Motivation and Risk in Gambling
Focus of the session: The focus of the session is on the experiences
of non-pathological gamblers engaged in various forms of gambling.
The stress will be on the historical experiences and meanings
associated with the concepts of chance, motivation and risk. An
emphasis on comparative approach (e.g. different countries, gender or
social classes) is recommended.
The session aims to answer e.g. the following questions: What has
motivated people to gamble? How have these motivations changed in the
course of time? Did the national (legal) gambling monopolies and idea
of money spent in the gambling organised by them going for the 'good'
cause play any role in people’s gambling motivations? What has been
the role of dreaming and thrill seeking in gambling and how does this
role vary in different gambling forms? Have there been differences in
motivations between genders, different generations and social
classes? How and why has the experience of chance changed? Or has it?
How has irrationality of chance been made into a part of 'modern' and
'democratic' life? What kind of historical meanings have been
associated with chance and the risk that goes with it?
Ms Riitta Matilainen
M. (Soc.Sci.), Doctoral Student
Department of Social Science History, Economic and Social History
PO Box 54 00014 University of Helsinki
E-mail: riitta.matilainen at helsinki.fi
Tel.: + 358 9 19124946 or + 358 40 5176574
Fax: + 358 9 19124924
Ilmoituksen lähetti: Riitta Matilainen
<riitta.matilainen at helsinki.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 02.05.2009
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