[Antiquitas] Kaksi post-doc-paikkaa Oslossa, haku päättyy 20.2.2023; Greek Heritage in European Culture & Identity; Fwd: Call for a Postdoctoral fellowship at UiO
Korhonen, T Tua M
tua.korhonen at helsinki.fi
Ke Helmi 1 08:47:05 EET 2023
tässä kaksi tutkijatohtoripaikkaa Oslon yliopistossa.
Hakuaika päättyy jo 20.2.
Tua Korhonen
Tua Korhonen, PhD, Docent in Greek Literature
Department of Languages (Greek and Latin), Metsätalo room A209
Unioninkatu 40 A
00014 University of Helsinki
tel. +358 (0)2941 22159
gms + 358 50 53 59 475
+ 358 50 53 59 475 (home)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Han Lamers <han.lamers at ifikk.uio.no<mailto:han.lamers at ifikk.uio.no>>
Subject: Call for a Postdoctoral fellowship at UiO
Date: 14. December 2022 at 17.49.50 EET
To: Han Lamers <han.lamers at ifikk.uio.no<mailto:han.lamers at ifikk.uio.no>>
Dear colleague,
With this brief message, I would like to bring the following call to your attention for a postdoctoral fellowship in the area of early modern Hellenism at the University of Oslo (2 years, fulltime).
Please feel free to circulate the call widely in your networks. If you know specific researchers who might be interested in this position, I would be grateful if you could encourage them to apply.
Needless to say, I remain at your disposal for questions about the fellowship and the project.
The call (with some more information about the overall project) can be accessed via the following link:
With all the very best and thanks,
Han Lamers
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