[Antiquitas] Legacies of the Roman Republic: Law, Text, and Spaces, 18.-19.1.2024
von der Pütten, Tuija K
tuija.vonderputten at helsinki.fi
Ma Joulu 4 15:37:47 EET 2023
You are warmly welcome to join the upcoming conference
'Legacies of the Roman Republic: Law, Texts, and Spaces'
Time: 18.-19.1.2024 at 9-18.30
Place: Banquet Hall, Unioninkatu 33
Administrative professionalization has conventionally been the hallmark of a modern state. The conceptual separation of the office and its holder has long defined the European way of governance. The origin of this European tradition of the separation of public and private has often been seen in the Roman Republican political organization with its strict responsibilities, term limits and defined powers of its magistracies who operated in public spaces. Nonetheless, this view has been challenged by recent research on the Roman Republic and its legacy. The conference aims to build a new interpretation of the Roman Republican governance: a comprehensive re-evaluation of the ancient Roman administrative tradition and its links with the European heritage through the lens of Republican and administrative space. The conference seeks to investigate this neglected issue through the spatial analysis of power relations and meanings. The significance of these issues extends much beyond this: the development of administrative space in the European context amounts to nothing less than the emergence of the concept of public.
The conference advances the idea of republicanism through changes that are addressed via developments in the political, economic and social context from the Roman Republic to the Empire and beyond. While much of the earlier research on Republican administration has been constitutional, focused on authority or the individual magistrates, the conference encourages a new interpretation through spatial and topographical analysis, using unconventional methodological tools to explore the social and cultural dimensions of legal and administrative space. At the center are the confrontation of ideas and their contexts from the Roman Republic to modern republicanism, building on the questions: How did the conflict between Republican ideals, political power, and administrative practices transform the spaces of administration? How did this conflict change the social topography of Rome and other cities and the public and private spheres of governance? How did Rome become the model for the Western administrative state?
Keynote speakers: Valentina Arena, Dunia Filippi, Greg Woolf and Aldo Schiavone.
This event is free but requires registration. Registration will remain open until January 9th. Register through this link: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Legacies_of_the_Roman_Republic_Law_text_and_Spaces_7306
The programme of the conference can be found on the conference website<https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/law-governance-and-space/legacies-of-the-roman-republic>.
The conference is organized by the ERC-funded project Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition (SpaceLaw), based at the University of Helsinki.
With kind regards,
Tuija von der Pütten
Tuija von der Pütten
Projektikoordinaattori / Project coordinator
tuija.vonderputten at helsinki.fi<mailto:kaisu.taskila at helsinki.fi>
Eurooppalaisen oikeuden, identiteetin ja historian tutkimuksen huippuyksikkö / The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (www.eurostorie.org<http://www.eurostorie.org/>)
Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition (www.spacelaw.fi<http://www.spacelaw.fi/>)
Unioninkatu 33, huone / room 217
PL / P.O. Box 42, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki
+358 50 5932006, +358 294122808
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