[Antiquitas] VB: Five PhD positions at Linnaeus University

Arja Karivieri arja.karivieri at antiken.su.se
To Tammi 27 17:30:05 EET 2022


Linnaeus-yliopistossa tarjolla 5 PhD paikkaa kansainvälisessä ohjelmassa, teemana Global humanities ja allaolevassa infokirjeessä mainostetaan sitä erityisesti arkeologian, historian, uskonnontutkimuksen ja kirjallisuudentutkimuksen maistereille, deadline 6/3. Tarjolla siis 4-vuotinen virka Växjön campuksella. Hakemukset tulee kirjoittaa englanniksi, ja vain yhteen, joka on historian virka, vaaditaan kykyä ymmärtää puhuttua ja akateemista ruotsin kieltä.

Eli kannattaa mainostaa kaikille juuri valmistuneille maistereille ym aineissa.



Arja Karivieri, professor i antikens kultur och samhällsliv
Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur
Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm
Tel. 08-16 33 66

Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm
Phone +46-8-16 33 66
E-mail: arja.karivieri at antiken.su.se<mailto:arja.karivieri at antiken.su.se>


Från: Anders Högberg <anders.hogberg at lnu.se>
Skickat: den 27 januari 2022 15:55
Ämne: Five PhD positions at Linnaeus University

Dear all,

I am writing to inform you that we just have published an announcement of PhD positions at Linnaeus University, in all five positions within an international program with a broad focus on Global humanities. The program is open to several subjects, including archaeology, history and religious studies. I am writing to you all to ask you to pass on this information to any student you think would be interested in applying for the program. Also, I would like to ask you to send out information about our PhD-positions in your (local / national / global) networks. It would be much appreciated. We need strong international applications for these positions.

Interested students are welcome to contact us with any questions they might have. Note that in Sweden, PhD-studies are four years with full-time employment and salary. So, it is a good opportunity for a dedicated student to get a PhD. Deadline is short, the last application date is already 6 March.

Information about the program is here:


and job description and how to apply is here:



Work at the university | lnu.se<https://lnu.se/en/meet-linnaeus-university/work-at-the-university/>
Are you looking for a job where you can develop in an inspiring environment? At Linnaeus University, you will meet students in what is perhaps the most important development period of their lives. You will meet committed researchers who are passionate about what they do. Together, we create a workplace full of opportunities and belief in the future. Where knowledge grows.

Kind regards /Anders


Anders Högberg, professor

Linnaeus University

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

School of Cultural Sciences | Archaeology

391 82 Kalmar, Sweden


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