[Antiquitas] VB: Postdoctoral fellowship (3.5 years) in Mediterranean Archaeology and Ancient History in Oslo (application deadline 28. February)

Arja Karivieri arja.karivieri at antiken.su.se
Pe Helmi 4 16:49:23 EET 2022


Tukholman terveisin


Från: antiken-uppsala-request at lists.uu.se <antiken-uppsala-request at lists.uu.se> för Gunnel Ekroth <gunnel.ekroth at antiken.uu.se>
Skickat: den 4 februari 2022 15:38
Till: 'Arkeologi Listan (uu-arkeologi at listserv.uu.se)'; antiken-uppsala at lists.uu.se
Ämne: [antiken-uppsala] VB: Postdoctoral fellowship (3.5 years) in Mediterranean Archaeology and Ancient History in Oslo (application deadline 28. February)

Posdoc i Oslo i medelhavsarkeologi och antik historia, se nedan.

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Gunnel Ekroth, professor

Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia Uppsala universitet Box 626

751 26 Uppsala

Tel. 018-471 62 47, fax 018-471 75 50

Department of archaeology and ancient history Uppsala University, Box 626, SE-751 26 Uppsala Phone +46-18-471 62 47, fax +46-18-471 75 50

Från: Søren Handberg <soren.handberg at iakh.uio.no>
Skickat: den 4 februari 2022 09:37
Till: Søren Handberg <soren.handberg at iakh.uio.no>
Ämne: Postdoctoral fellowship (3.5 years) in Mediterranean Archaeology and Ancient History in Oslo (application deadline 28. February)

Dear friends and colleagues,

I'm pleased to inform you that a three and a half year postdoc fellowship in Mediterranean Archaeology and Ancient History is now available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, the University of Oslo (application deadline 28. February)


I would be grateful if you could circulate the call to potential candidates.

All the best wishes,


Førsteamanuensis / Associate Professor
Dept. of Archaeology, Conservation and History
University of Oslo P.O. Box 1019, Blindern
N-0315 Oslo, Norway
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