[Antiquitas] Reminder: HelRAW seminar 12.12. Jasmin Lukkari: Livy’s portrayal of king Masinissa through a narratological lens

Koskinen, Pyry I pyry.i.koskinen at helsinki.fi
Pe Joulu 9 18:31:42 EET 2022

Dear all,

As a reminder, this Autumn’s last Helsinki Research on the Ancient World (HelRAW) seminar takes place on December 12th with Jasmin Lukkari (University of Helsinki) and the talk “Livy’s portrayal of king Masinissa through a narratological lens”. While this is a hybrid event, we extend a warm welcome to join us with our speaker at Metsätalo!

In this talk I show how narratological methods can be used to study discourses of Otherness and cultural identities in Roman historical narratives. I have chosen Livy’s portrayal of the Numidian king Masinissa – an important ally of the Romans in the Second Punic War and after –  as a case example for this talk because the portrayal is a good example of an instance where a Roman historian investigates the meaning of Romanness through a foreign character. Narratology has become popular in classical studies in recent decades in the wake of considerable increase of interest in the narrative theory across different disciplines. Nevertheless, ancient historiography has attracted less attention than genres like poetry or epic because historical writing has not always been considered “narrative” enough. I argue, however, that we can detect the use of similar narrative techniques in Roman historiography as in literary fiction. For example, in his portrayal of Masinissa, Livy uses various narrative techniques including close focalisation, manipulation of narrative time and space, and alternating between direct and indirect speech.

When: December 12th, 2022, at 17:15 (UTC+2)
Where: Room 18, Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40, 4th floor)
Online: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/64129444826?pwd=OTgzbGIxc0phakJKSjVSbjhOV3Qwdz09
Meeting ID: 641 2944 4826
Passcode: 953226
Event page: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/law-governance-and-space/news-events/helraw-jasmin-lukkari-12122022

About the speaker: Jasmin Lukkari is a doctoral researcher in the Doctoral Programme in History and Cultural Heritage at the University of Helsinki in co-tutela agreement with the department of ancient history of the University of Cologne. She will defend her doctoral dissertation, titled Exemplary others: Virtus, Roman Identity, and Hellenistic kings in Republican and Augustan historical narratives, in February.

The event is a part of an interdisciplinary seminar series titled Helsinki Research on the Ancient World. This monthly seminar operates under the aegis of the PapyGreek (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/digital-grammar-of-greek-documentary-papyri) and SpaceLaw (www.spacelaw.fi<http://www.spacelaw.fi>) projects. The seminar is open for all.



Pyry Koskinen

pyry.i.koskinen at helsinki.fi<mailto:pyry.i.koskinen at helsinki.fi>
Tutkimusavustaja / Research assistant
Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition (www.spacelaw.fi<http://www.spacelaw.fi/>)
Siltavuorenpenger 1 A, huone / room 327

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