[Antiquitas] AIAS Event: Rethinking Classics: A Discussion with Josephine Quinn
Laura Helena Nissin
nissin at aias.au.dk
To Huhti 7 13:43:14 EEST 2022
Tiedoksi kollegani järjestämä tapahtuma joka saattaisi kiinnostaa listalaisia. Tilaisuus järjestetään hybridimuodossa ja osallistumislinkin saa ilmoittautumalla mukaan.
AIAS Event: Rethinking Classics: A Discussion with Josephine Quinn
Part of the series on Intellectual Historians & Anti-Racism convened by Shiru Lim (AIAS)
Tuesday 26 April 2022, at 14:00 - 15:30
What does Classics encompass? Is it simply the study of Greco-Roman antiquity, or can it extend to larger ancient worlds? What is its relationship to adjacent disciplines like History and Archaeology? Is it in step with the contemporary political, cultural, and intellectual world—and does it need to be?
These questions and many more have haunted Classics for years. They have prompted classicists to enquire into the ideological shaping of their discipline, and to reflect upon its future. What kind of curricula should universities be offering? What new demands are there on research? And which regimes of truth and understanding do we privilege if we choose one narrative over another?
These questions ought to exercise many, far beyond the bounds of Classics departments and faculties. Anyone interested in the future of the arts and humanities, their place in our difficult and diverse world, and what scholars can do about any of this, will do well to be informed about and to learn from what classicists have to say on these subjects.
Join us on 26 April for a conversation between Josephine Quinn, Professor of Ancient History in the Faculty of Classics at the University of Oxford and author of (among many things) In Search of the Phoenicians (2018), and AIAS fellow Shiru Lim. The event will be held in hybrid mode, and there will of course be time for questions—and cake (only for those who come in person—apologies).
Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautuminen osoitteessa:
Best regards,
Laura Nissin
Assistant Professor
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
nissin at aias.au.dk<mailto:nissin at aias.au.dk>
Twitter: @tiedetati
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