[Antiquitas] PYYNTÖ TUESTA Sheffield archaeology department faces threat of closure - Please help - URGENT

Katariina Mustakallio (TAU) katariina.mustakallio at tuni.fi
Pe toukokuu 21 00:54:27 EEST 2021

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Sheffield archaeology department faces threat of closure - Please help - URGENT

  Dear all,

we're devastated to let you know that the Department of Archaeology in Sheffield is facing closure. Staff were told in a meeting yesterday (19th May), after a review which has been going on for the past few months.

I'm sure that many on this list will agree that Sheffield has been incredibly important for the archaeology community for a long time. The department has trained or hosted many students and researchers and I hope it's not over the top to say that it has played a large part in growing the importance and vibrancy of our field.

In the meeting staff were told that there are these three options:
(A) support and invest in the department to ensure the future of archaeology at Sheffield;
(B) discontinue archaeology as a subject at Sheffield and make all the staff redundant;
(C) discontinue archaeology as a department, but retain aspects of archaeological research and education (human osteology and cultural heritage), and make remaining staff redundant.

It was strongly perceived that the pro Vice Chancellor's preference was NOT for option A, although she did not say it specifically. Options B and C are really the same, with a slight variation and the opportunity to save a couple of staff from the sack.

The University Executive Board (UEB)  will make its decision at a meeting next Tuesday (25th May).

As you can imagine the whole department is absolutely devastated by this news and we are rallying round to call for messages of solidarity from as far and wide as possible. We need to act very swiftly to make our voice heard before that meeting. As you can imagine it is a hugely stressful situation, in which staff are confronting the potential loss of their jobs as well as all that they have built in many years of love and dedication.

So what can we do to help?

The department is asking people to email:
1. the University Executive Board (UEB) -  ueb-admin at sheffield.ac.uk<mailto:ueb-admin at sheffield.ac.uk>;
2. the Vice chancellor (Professor Koen Lamberts) - vc at sheffield.ac.uk<mailto:vc at sheffield.ac.uk>;
3. and the Deputy Vice Chancellor - dvc at sheffield.ac.uk<mailto:dvc at sheffield.ac.uk>;
and based on the reputation of the department in sheffield and the importance of archaeology and osteology, request they vote in favour of option A.
Please do make sure that all messages are also sent to the department, so that we can keep track of them: archaeology at sheffield.ac.uk<mailto:archaeology at sheffield.ac.uk>

Please also sign the petition available at: https://www.change.org/p/university-of-sheffield-save-sheffield-s-archaeology-department?recruiter=293012001&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=G%3ESearch%3ESAP%3EUK%3ENonBrand%3EAll-Match-Types%7CtROAS-Test&recruited_by_id=85fde9e0-f634-11e4-86b8-61f888ef3007&fbclid=IwAR2DODuumy3BJ7xRFCMHhRBYQyxDNo2xJc2UErBnuip98O8Wfs6Ec1K5xV4

Many thanks for your support.

Best wishes,
Mauro, on behalf of the Sheffield Zooarchaeology Lab and of the archaeology department


Mauro Rizzetto


Formerly at the Department of Archaeology, Sheffield University, UK

Academia<https://sheffield.academia.edu/MRizzetto>        ResearchGate<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mauro_Rizzetto>        AIAZ<http://www.aiaz.it>

Find out about our MSc in Osteoarchaeology<https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/courses/2021/osteoarchaeology-msc> programme

Find out about our Zooarchaeology Short Courses<http://www.shef.ac.uk/archaeology/research/zooarchaeology-lab/short-course>

Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-zooarchaeology-9780199686476?cc=gb&lang=en>


10th Meeting of the Italian Association of Archaeozoology<https://www.aiaz.it/en/eventi/convegni/10-convegno-nazionale-archeozoologia/>
Siena, Italy, 3rd-6th November 2021<https://www.aiaz.it/en/eventi/convegni/10-convegno-nazionale-archeozoologia/>
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