[Antiquitas] HelRAW seminar 14.9.2020: Melanie Wasmuth, "The impact of Alexander historiography on contemporary sources: the case of Petosiris"
Heta Björklund
heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi
Ma Syys 7 16:28:55 EEST 2020
Dear all,
The first Helsinki Research on the Ancient World (HelRAW) seminar of
this Autumn will take place via Zoom on Monday, September 14th! Melanie
Wasmuth (University of Helsinki) will give a talk on "The impact of
Alexander historiography on contemporary sources: the case of Petosiris."
*Abstract: *Alexander historiography strongly affects the interpretation
of ancient contemporary sources, i.e. of evidence dating from the later
4th c. BCE. I demonstrate this for a case study from Egypt, namely the
tomb of Petosiris, which is situated in Tuna el-Gebel, the cemetery of
the ancient Egyptian town of Khemenu/Khmun, better known under its Greek
name Hermopolis Magna. The large, well-preserved temple tomb amalgamates
Egyptian, Greek, and Persian features and has consequently attracted a
lot of attention. Its unique overall design inherently leaves a lot of
leeway regarding its interpretation. I will present my research on the
socio-historical function of the tomb's decoration design and discuss
how one's position in Alexander historiography impacts the research results.
*When: *Monday September 14th 2020, at 17:00
*Where:* In Zoom: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/64099674456
Meeting ID: 640 9967 4456
*Event page:
*About the speaker: *Melanie Wasmuth is a Docent in Egyptology and
Ancient Near Eastern Studies. She is a postdoctoral researcher and
vice-teamleader at the Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern
Studies at the University of Helsinki.
The event is a part of an interdisciplinary seminar series titled
Helsinki Research on the Ancient World. This monthly seminar operates
under the aegis of the PapyGreek
and SpaceLaw (www.spacelaw.fi) projects. The seminar is open for all.
Heta Björklund
Projektikoordinaattori / Project coordinator
heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi
Eurooppalaisen oikeuden, identiteetin ja historian tutkimuksen huippuyksikkö / The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (www.eurostorie.org)
Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition (www.spacelaw.fi)
Siltavuorenpenger 1 A, huone / room 323
PL / P.O. Box 9, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki
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