[Antiquitas] VL: [Papy] MA in Ancient History at the University of Basel, Switzerland
Vierros, Marja K
marja.vierros at helsinki.fi
To Tammi 10 22:39:54 EET 2019
Tiedoksenne maisteriopintomahdollisuus Baselissa.
Yt. Marja V
Lähettäjä: Irene Soto Marín via PAPY <papy at lists.hum.ku.dk>
Lähetetty: torstai 10. tammikuuta 2019 16.35
Vastaanottaja: papy at lists.hum.ku.dk
Kopio: Irene Soto Marín
Aihe: [Papy] MA in Ancient History at the University of Basel, Switzerland
Dear Colleagues,
The Institute of Ancient History at the University of Basel is happily welcoming applications for its 2-year MA program. Application period for Fall 2019 is open from February 1st until April 30th.
Our Institute focuses on Graeco-Roman History, with a particular focus on social and religious history, ancient economy, papyrology, numismatics, and social resilience to climate change. We have a strong record of students going on to complete their PhD in Switzerland as well as in the rest of Europe.
Housed within the Department of Classical Civilizations, students will be part of a dense research network of close collaboration and communication between various departments and research institutions. Students may take courses in Egyptology, Classical Archaeology, Classics, Provincial Archaeology, and Prehistory and will also have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of major research languages (German, French, Italian). Courses are taught in English and in German and the MA thesis can be written in English.
Located in the heart of Europe, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland and has been a center for academic excellence since 1460. Less than an hour away from Zurich and Bern, Basel is located next to the Rhine, and hosts over 30 museums in its metropolitan area. Its location in the center of Europe also connects the city easily by train to Paris, Geneva, Milan, Strasbourg, and Frankfurt.
Tuition fees for the 2019-2020 academic year are 850 CH (around $867 or 753 EUR) per semester. For international applicants, scholarships may be available depending on their home country.
For further information please see:
Home | Alte Geschichte<https://altegeschichte.philhist.unibas.ch/de/home/>
Alte Geschichte Departement Altertumswissenschaften Petersgraben 51 4051 Basel Schweiz. Tel: +41 61 207 12 50
For any questions or further information please contact:
Dr. Irene Soto Marín
irene.sotomarin at unibas.ch<mailto:irene.sotomarin at unibas.ch>
+41 61 207 29 46
Dr. Irene Soto Marín
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin
Department of Ancient History, University of Basel
Petersgraben 51
4051 Basel
irene.sotomarin at unibas.ch<mailto:irene.sotomarin at unibas.ch>
+41 61 207 29 46
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