[Antiquitas] Call for papers: On shifting grounds

Isto Huvila ivatanen at abo.fi
Pe Helmi 8 22:43:05 EET 2019


Interested in the study of archaeological practices? Here is a conference for you!


– the study of archaeological practices in a changing world

Archaeological practices have changed profoundly during the last few decades, due to changing methods, changing theoretical and scientific trends, but also changing economic and political circumstances. These changes have had a great impact on the study of archaeological practices and knowledge production,

but also provide new possibilities. The aim of the conference is to discuss and answer this key question: Given the shifting grounds, how can we best understand the current state of the field, the ways in which it is changing, and where it is heading in the future?

Deadline for submissions is April 1, 2019 Conference dates: October 3-5, 2019

House of Culture, 12 Em. Vernardou street, Rethymno, Crete

HOW TO SUBMIT AND MORE www.arkwork.eu/activity/on-shifting-grounds/


COST Action Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment (ARKWORK) (www.arkwork.eu) in collaboration with the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete.

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