[Antiquitas] Fwd: FW: Call for Applications

Jesse Keskiaho jkeskiah at gmail.com
Ma Joulu 16 09:07:43 EET 2019

Tarjolla jatko-opiskelupaikka paleografiaa taitavalle latinistille hyvien
tyyppien mielenkiintoisessa projektissa!

Terv. Jesse
*From:* anthony.ellis at kps.unibe.ch <anthony.ellis at kps.unibe.ch>
*Sent:* 15 December 2019 18:51
*To:* greti.dinkova.bruun at utoronto.ca <greti.dinkova.bruun at utoronto.ca>;
pollard.richard_matthew at uqam.ca <pollard.richard_matthew at uqam.ca>;
kkletter at methodist.edu <kkletter at methodist.edu>; doenitz at em.uni-frankfurt.de
<doenitz at em.uni-frankfurt.de>; theofili.kampianaki at gmail.com <
theofili.kampianaki at gmail.com>; Randolf.Lukas at ruhr-uni-bochum.de <
Randolf.Lukas at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>; reinhold.glei at ruhr-uni-bochum.de <
reinhold.glei at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>; andreas.ammann at kps.unibe.ch <
andreas.ammann at kps.unibe.ch>; TMARTIN at holycross.edu <TMARTIN at holycross.edu>;
sophie.caflisch at theol.unibe.ch <sophie.caflisch at theol.unibe.ch>; Keskiaho,
Jesse M J <jesse.keskiaho at helsinki.fi>; irene.van.renswoude at huygens.knaw.nl
<irene.van.renswoude at huygens.knaw.nl>; mariken.teeuwen at huygens.knaw.nl <
mariken.teeuwen at huygens.knaw.nl>; nigel.wilson at lincoln.ox.ac.uk <
nigel.wilson at lincoln.ox.ac.uk>; joanna.weinberg at orinst.ox.ac.uk <
joanna.weinberg at orinst.ox.ac.uk>; rainer.schwinges at hist.unibe.ch <
rainer.schwinges at hist.unibe.ch>; florian.mittenhuber at burgerbib.ch <
florian.mittenhuber at burgerbib.ch>
*Cc:* gerlinde.huber at kps.unibe.ch <gerlinde.huber at kps.unibe.ch>
*Subject:* Call for Applications

Dear All,
I’m sending you a call for applications for a PhD position on our Latin
Josephus project in Bern.
We’d be grateful if you would forward it to anyone you know who might be
With best wishes from Bern!

The Institute of Classical Studies at the University of Bern invites
applications for a *PhD position* in the field of *Classics *or* Medieval

The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as
part of a larger “Sinergia” research project (“*Lege Josephum*: Ways of
Reading Josephus in the Latin Middle Ages”) co-directed with the
departments of Historical Theology and Jewish Studies. Further details on
the project can be found at www.legejosephum.unibe.ch.

The successful candidate will catalogue a portion of the ca. 300
manuscripts containing Latin adaptions and translations of Josephus' works.
The catalogue will pay particular attention to provenance, ownership,
mise-en-page, glossing, and various traces and interventions by users in
the manuscript tradition. The successful candidate will write a doctoral
dissertation exploring the role of these elements in the reception of
Josephus in the Christian Middle Ages.

Candidates must hold an MA degree in Classics, Medieval History, Medieval
Latin, or an affiliated field and have a thorough knowledge of Latin, as
well as experience in paleography and codicology.

Preference will be given to applicants for a PhD position, but applications
for a postdoctoral position are also welcome. For a PhD the employment
level would be between 80% (ca.39,100 CHF p.a.) and 100% (ca.48,900 CHF
p.a.), according to agreement. The appointment will begin on March 1, 2020,
or shortly thereafter. Applications should be submitted in German or
English and should contain a cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificates
of most recent academic qualifications, and a sample of academic writing
(one pdf-file).

Applicants are invited to direct any enquiries to Prof. Dr. Gerlinde
Huber-Rebenich (gerlinde.huber at kps.unibe.ch); applications should be sent
electronically to the same address and arrive by *January 31st 2020*.
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