[Antiquitas] "Spaces of Ro­man Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ism" conference, 26-28 September 2019, University of Helsinki

Heta Björklund heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi
Pe Elo 16 11:49:45 EEST 2019

/Welcome to the conference/

*/Spaces of Ro­man Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ism/*/
/*26-28 September 2019**
**University of Helsinki*

 From the /fora /to the assemblies and beyond, public space in ancient 
Rome was both political and contested, reflecting changing notions of 
community, citizenship and the values and norms behind them. The purpose 
of this conference is to explore the political, cultural and legal 
notions of public space and public realm in Rome. By observing the place 
of magistrates in the public spaces of Rome and more generally in the 
ideas behind Republican governance, it seeks to question and unpack the 
notions that have been built into the concept of Roman republican 
governance. On one hand we have the notion of Republicanism and public 
law, which has a rich history of modernizing interpretations and reuses 
in European history. On the other, there is the equally rich tradition 
of rituals, ceremonies, religious convictions and beliefs that surround 
the practices of governance. By examining the spacial aspect, how these 
were situated and interlinked and how public and private spaces and 
roles intermingled, we are hoping to shed new light into cultural and 
social dimension of Roman republicanism and its transformation from the 
Republic to the Principate. By setting ideas into their dynamic spatial, 
social and cultural contexts, we hope to subvert the traditional story 
of Roman constitutionalism.

Keynote speakers of the conference are *Harriet Flower *(Princeton), 
*Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp *(Cologne), *Catherine Steel *(Glasgow), and 
*Clifford Ando *(Chicago).

The conference is open to all and there is no registration required.
For more information and the programme, please visit: 

Heta Björklund
heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi
Projektikoordinaattori / Project coordinator
Eurooppalaisen oikeuden, identiteetin ja historian tutkimuksen huippuyksikkö / The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (www.eurostorie.org)
Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition (www.spacelaw.fi)
Siltavuorenpenger 1 A, huone / room 326
PL / P.O. Box 9, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki

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