[Antiquitas] Programme and Registration for the Imperial Architecture Workshop (Helsinki, 29-30 April)

Bonnie, Rick rick.bonnie at helsinki.fi
To Huhti 11 12:44:11 EEST 2019

Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you further about the "Imperial Architecture in the Ancient Mediterranean and Middle East" workshop at the University of Helsinki that takes place on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 April. In this workshop, scholars based in Egypt, Finland, Iraq, Oman, Poland, the UK, and the USA, will discuss a range of methodologies and theoretical understandings of Imperial identities through the medium of architecture.

Please find attached to this email a small booklet that contains (1) the workshop aims, (2) a map of the area where the workshop takes place, and (3) the programme.

The workshop is free to attend, but please register your participation using the following link: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/96830/lomake.html (registration closes on Monday 22 April).

With best wishes,
Rick Bonnie, Marta Lorenzon, Antonio Lopez Garcia, and Samuli Simelius

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