[Antiquitas] Fwd: Levitettäväksi: Workshop "The Persian Empire, the Social Sciences, and Ancient Historiography", University of Helsinki 9–11 January 2019

Björklund, Heta K heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi
Ma toukokuu 21 11:06:35 EEST 2018

Tiedoksi allaoleva call for papers, DL 3.6.

-------- Forwarded Message --------

*From: *"Rostedt, Katri E" <katri.rostedt at helsinki.fi>
*Date: *Friday, 18 May 2018 at 13.29
*To: *jussi Kulonpalo <jussi.kulonpalo at helsinki.fi>, "Björklund, Heta K" 
<heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi>
*Subject: *Levitettäväksi: Workshop "The Persian Empire, the Social 
Sciences, and Ancient Historiography", University of Helsinki 9–11 
January 2019


Meidän huippuhuipparin tammikuun workshoppiin kaivattaisiin erityisesti 
politiikan tutkijoiden papereita ja panosta aiheista siirtolaisuus, 
valta, eliitit, suuret imperiumit, identiteetti. Huipparin aikakausi 
sijoittuu kauas, Mesopotamian aikoihin, mutta tämä ei tietenkään ole 
vaatimus papereiden kohdalla. Huipparilaisia kiinnostaisi juurikin 
teoria, metodologia, ajankohtaiset tutkimuskysymykset. Huipparissa on 
sosiologeja, arkeologeja ja kielitieteilijöitä. Dedis 3.6.2018.

Tätä saa siis levittää, jos keksitte hyviä kontakteja:


See call for papers: 

The workshop "The Persian Empire, the Social Sciences, and Ancient 
Historiography" takes place at the University of Helsinki 9–11 January 
2019. It is co-sponsored by the Centre of Excellence in Changes in 
Sacred Texts and Traditions and the Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near 
Eastern Empires.

*[Update] *Deadline for abstract submissions has been *extended to 3 
June 2018*.

Studying the first Persian Empire (550–330 BCE) is both frustratingly 
immense and too restrictive, with extant evidence often not directly 
answering the questions we wish to ask of it. For social and cultural 
dynamics, very careful methodology is necessary to tease out more 
sophisticated understandings. However, it is no longer sufficient merely 
to mine existing theory that appears to be adaptable; rather, ancient 
historians need better integration in the broader social scientific 
discourse. Therefore, the purpose of this workshop is twofold:

 1. for ancient historians to engage with cutting edge social scientific
    work and find new, potentially fruitful angles;
 2. to contribute to the development of social scientific theory through
    the ancient evidence.

The workshop intends to bring together historians and social scientists, 
to discuss how theory and historical data can be better brought into 
dialogue—and to explore ideas for potentially fruitful new angles and 

The keynote speakers will be *Prof. Charis Bouteri* (Sociology, Paris), 
*Prof. Eve Caroli* (Economics, Paris), and *Prof. Bruce Bueno de 
Mesquita* (Political Science, NYU).

There is now a call for paper proposals for the workshop under the 
headings of sociology, economics, and political science, each day 
focuses on two general themes. For the sociology session we invite 
papers exploring social networks and social authority; for the economics 
session we invite papers on taxation and forced labor and forced 
migration; for the political science session we invite papers exploring 
imperial administration and elite identity.

Each day of the workshop will begin with a keynote lecture with 
discussion, followed by workshop of pre-circulated papers on the day’s 
themes, followed by a response and wider thematic discussion. It is our 
sincere hope that this format will enable as much evidence-based 
discussion of the theoretical issues as possible, as well as lay some 
groundwork for future collaboration between historians and social 

*Abstracts for 20-30 minute summarized papers should be submitted by 3 
June 2018.*Please indicate in the abstract the field heading (sociology, 
economics, or political science) and theme or themes. Abstracts should 
be submitted in pdf to jason.silverman at helsinki.fi. Accepted proposals 
will need to submit a draft paper for circulation to workshop 
participants before 15 December 2018. Abstracts from PhD candidates as 
well as senior scholars, and both historians and social scientists are 
warmly welcomed. Since the purpose of the workshop is exploratory and 
methodological, it is not envisioned that this event will result in an 
edited volume.


Katri Rostedt

Project Coordinator (for ANEE CoE and for two ERC Starter projects)


Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires

PL 4 (Fabianinkatu 24 A, room 134), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

Tel. +358 50 376 84 90     I     +358 2 941 577 64





Follow ANEE CoE in Instagram: @anee_helsinki_coe

Heta Björklund (PhD)
heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi
Projektikoordinaattori / Project coordinator
Eurooppalaisen oikeuden, identiteetin ja historian tutkimuksen huippuyksikkö / The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (www.eurostorie.org)
Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition (www.spacelaw.fi)
Siltavuorenpenger 1 A, huone / room 326
PL / P.O. Box 9, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki

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