[Antiquitas] [HAS] Engaging with The Public: A short introduction to the SuALT finds recording-project, a lecture by Anna Wessman (Friday April 27)
Bonnie, Rick
rick.bonnie at helsinki.fi
Pe Huhti 13 14:23:40 EEST 2018
Dear all,
The Helsinki Archaeology Seminar is pleased to announce as our next speaker: Dr. Anna Wessman, University of Helsinki. Dr. Wessman's lecture is titled:
“Engaging with The Public: A short introduction to the SuALT finds recording-project”
SuALT (Suomen arkeologisten löytöjen linkitetty tietokanta), or the Finnish Archaeological Finds Recording Linked Database, is a u unique project within Finnish archaeology. The multidisciplinary project, funded by the Academy of Finland, consists of the University of Helsinki, Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG), Aalto University and the Finnish Heritage Agency.
We are developing a user-friendly and open database that encourages metal detectorists, but also other finders of chance material, to record their finds in the SuALT database. These finds have a high scientific potential but are not used in academic research at present. By engaging meaningfully with metal detectorists and other stakeholders, the project hopes to ensure that more finds are reported than at present, including retrospective recording. Through our citizens science approach we also hope to contribute in democratizing archaeology.
The lecture takes place on Friday April 27 at 16:15h in Unioninkatu 38, Lecture room F115.
We hope to see you all then!
Best wishes,
Rick Bonnie and Suzie Thomas
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