[Antiquitas] kirjuripiiri/scribal circle 13/12

Dahlgren, Sonja A K sonja.dahlgren at helsinki.fi
Ti Loka 28 14:28:16 EET 2017

Dear all,

The scribal circle is approaching the last meeting of the year on Wednesday 13th December. This time we will meet in Metsätalo lecture room 7, on the third floor, straight through the glass doors (please open first) on the main (uniting) corridor. This time we will hear Sebastian Fink (UH) talking about his topic. The title of his presentation is

"Reinventing Sumerian? How scribes changed a long-dead language".

Important! Due to popular demand, instead of the usual 6 pm, the meeting will be held at 5 pm. This will be the new standard unless there is a presentation by someone who cannot make it this early.

All the best


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