[Antiquitas] kirjuripiiri/scribal circle 8.11.

Dahlgren, Sonja A K sonja.dahlgren at helsinki.fi
Pe Loka 3 11:51:02 EET 2017

Hei kaikille,

perustamamme kirjuripiiri kokoontuu taas ke 8.11. klo 18-20 Metsätalon luentosalissa 5. Tällä kertaa puhujana ja aiheena on

Jesse Keskiaho: "The annotations in early manuscripts of the major works of Augustine of Hippo. A look at scribes".

Kaikki kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita?

Ystävällisin terveisin

Sonja Dahlgren.


Dear all,

The second meeting of the scribal circle will be on Wednesday 8th November, from 6 to 8 pm. We shall reconvene in Metsätalo lecture room 5. Our speaker and topic for this second meeting is

Jesse Keskiaho: "The annotations in early manuscripts of the major works of Augustine of Hippo. A look at scribes".

All interested are welcome to attend!

Best wishes

Sonja Dahlgren.

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