[Antiquitas] Invitation to CSTT Lecture Series (Thursday, 23 March at 4:15pm): "Becoming and Being a Priest" by Jonathan Stökl
Dixon, Helen M
helen.dixon at helsinki.fi
Ma Maalis 13 11:01:58 EET 2017
Dear colleagues -
You are cordially invited (with apologies for cross-posting!) to the next lecture in the Centre of Excellence in "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions" (CSTT) Lecture Series, to be held next week, Thursday, 23 March, from 16:15 - 18:00 in the 5th floor faculty room (524) of Vuorikatu 3:
"Becoming and Being a Priest: Reflections on Exodus 29, Leviticus 8 and other Ancient Near Eastern Initiation Rites"
Jonathan Stökl, Lecturer in Hebrew Bible / Old Testament, King's College London (Visiting Researcher with the CSTT)
How did one become a priest in the ancient Near East? What were the preconditions proposed by different societies and what are their commonalities and differences? Answers to these questions will require reflection upon the comparative method(s), the use of (modern) ritual theory in the study of ancient texts and (perhaps) some more or less pretty images.
The purpose of the CSTT lecture series is to provide a forum for individual members and guests of the CSTT to communicate their research to one another, as well as to the larger community of ancient scholars at the University of Helsinki. Coffee and tea will be served. All who are interested are welcome to attend!
Helen M. Dixon
Postdoctoral Researcher
Center of Excellence in "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions"
Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki
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