[Antiquitas] Reminder: Joanna Töyräänvuori's Puukko Akatemia Lecture, 20 April 2017
Dixon, Helen M
helen.dixon at helsinki.fi
La Huhti 15 11:26:45 EEST 2017
Dear colleagues -
This is a gentle reminder, inviting you to our next Puukko Akatemia lecture, to be held this coming Thursday, 20 April from 4:15 - 6pm in the 5th floor faculty hall in Vuorikatu 3. Coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be served.
"New Perspectives on the Mythological Conception of the Mediterranean Sea in the World of the Old Testament"
Joanna Töyräänvuori
Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre of Excellence in "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions"
In the Hebrew Bible the sea is referenced in different ways: as a feature of nature, as a geographic referent, as a poetic metaphor. But there are also some texts that seem to recall a mythological conception of the sea known to us from the wider ancient Near East. But while the references to the sea in the Hebrew Bible are many, in most cases the texts represent rather late and often transformed examples of an ancient Northwest Semitic tradition -- a tradition that contained a political aspect that is key to the interpretation of the texts.
Wishing you a happy Easter,
Helen M. Dixon
Postdoctoral Researcher
Center of Excellence in "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions"
Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki
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