[Antiquitas] Tiedoksi: Rethinking Athens, kansainvälinen työpaja/kollokvio 23-24.2.2017 Münchenissä
Manna Satama
manna.satama at helsinki.fi
Ke Marras 26 12:09:52 EEST 2016
Rethinking Athens: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Polis before
the Persian Wars
International Workshop for Early-Career Researchers, Munich, 23th-24th
February 2017
Keynote Speakers: François de Polignac (École Pratique des Hautes
Études), Anna Maria D´Onofrio (Università degli Studi di Napoli
L’Orientale), Alain Duplouy (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne),
Elisavet Sioumpara (Service for the Restoration of the Acropolis
Monuments, Greek Ministry of Culture)
Application Deadline: 15th December 2016
Organisers: Vincenzo Capozzoli (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne),
Annarita Doronzio (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale),
Constanze Graml (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität)
In recent times Athens has not been a focal point of international
research in Classical Archaeology. The main cause of this stagnation
appears to be, among other factors, the shortage of new perspectives
in interpretation. In previous studies the prevailing approach was
largely devoted to linking archaeological finds with specific
historical events (e.g. the reforms of Solon, the tyranny of
Peisistratos or the reforms of Cleisthenes), know from written sources
that were normally produced much later than the events recounted (such
as Aristotle’s writings). Up to now only a few recent studies have
approached the material culture of Athens from a diachronic
perspective and investigated its long-term development. Accordingly,
the most recent, exciting archaeological discoveries in Athens and
Attica, which were made in the course of large construction projects
(e.g. upgrades to the metro prior to the 2004 Olympic Games), have
hardly been taken into account in international research.
This two-days workshop is conceived as a platform for the presentation
of new finds and new interpretive approaches, with the objective of
discussing these finds and approaches in an interdisciplinary
framework. The workshop will be focused on the pre-classical period
(12th –6thc. B.C.) and is expressly intended for early-career scholars
(i.e. advanced doctoral students and postdocs). Participation is open
to all disciplines of Ancient Studies (i.e. building archaeology,
anthropology, religious studies, ancient history, archaeology, and
Sessions will be more specifically dedicated to the following subjects:
A) Settlement Planning and Architecture
B) Burial customs
C) Society
D) Religion
While papers may be delivered in French, German, English or Italian,
the publication of results to follow the workshop is planned to be in
English. Early-career scholars who are interested in participating
should submit a comprehensive abstract of max. 500 words by the 15th
of December 2016. Talks are expected to last no more than 20 minutes,
to be followed each by a discussion of 10 minutes.
The costs of travel and accommodation may, depending on the
third-party funding of the workshop, be met in part.
Please send questions regarding the workshop and abstracts to the organisers:
trochoeides.network at gmail.com
Manna Satama (ent. Vesterinen), tutkijatohtori
Maailman kulttuurien laitos/Klassillinen filologia
PL 24
00014 Helsingin yliopisto
puh. 09-191 22785
Manna Satama (formerly Vesterinen), postdoc researcher
Department of world cultures/Classical philology
P.O. Box 24
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
tel. +358-9-191 22785
Lisätietoja postituslistasta Antiquitas