[Antiquitas] VL: PhD study opportunities at Cincinnati
Vierros, Marja K
marja.vierros at helsinki.fi
Ma Loka 21 22:02:07 EET 2016
Väitöskirjan tekoa suunnitteleville tiedoksi.
Lähettäjä: PAPY <papy-bounces at lists.hum.ku.dk> käyttäjän Van Minnen, Peter (vanminp) <vanminp at ucmail.uc.edu> puolesta
Lähetetty: 21. marraskuuta 2016 19:59
Vastaanottaja: PAPY - the list for papyrologists
Aihe: [Papy] PhD study opportunities at Cincinnati
PhD fellowships (including tuition and stipend for up to six or seven years) in all areas of Classical Studies (including papyrology) are available in the Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati. The application deadline for a starting date in the fall of 2017 is January 15, 2017. Those interested are encouraged to explore http://classics.uc.edu/index.php/graduate.
Graduate Program - Classics.UC<http://classics.uc.edu/index.php/graduate>
The Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati
Applications from qualified applicants (including from abroad) will be given serious consideration. Beginning graduate students are required to take a certain amount of graduate courses and pass qualifying exams before they can start working on a dissertation. Students are free to choose the topic of their dissertation.
Papyrological resources at Cincinnati include the Classics Library (close to 270,000 volumes), the papyrology room, the BASP editorial office, and
Peter van Minnen
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