[Antiquitas] FWD: 4 Labex RESMED-Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Scholarships (March 2013)

Marja Vierros marja.vierros at helsinki.fi
Mon Mar 4 17:31:23 EET 2013

Hyvät listalaiset,

tiedoksenne postdoc-paikkoja:

----- Välitetty viesti lähettäjältä Arietta Papaconstantinou  
<a.s.papaconstantinou at reading.ac.uk> -----
       Päiväys: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 10:55:26 -0000
     Lähettäjä: Arietta Papaconstantinou <a.s.papaconstantinou at reading.ac.uk>
Vastausosoite: PAPY - the list for papyrologists <papy at lists.hum.ku.dk>
       Otsikko: [Papy] FW: 4 Labex RESMED-Maison des Sciences de  
l'Homme Scholarships (March 2013)
Vastaanottaja: papy list <papy at lists.hum.ku.dk>

The Research Center "Religions and Societies in the Mediterranean world"
(RESMED, Paris), a laboratory of excellence (Labex) affiliated to the
Sorbonne and the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH, Paris) is offering
four 9-month Fernand Braudel postdoctoral scholarships (September 2013-June

Only non-French candidates can apply, with a research project on one of the
6 following topics:

A. Religions, places and conflicts: 1. Conversions and controversies, 2.
Landscapes and sacred spaces
B. Religion and reason: 1. Rationality and Religion, 2. Religious and
rational medicines
C. Religions and social practices: 1. Religions and sociabilities, 2.
Religion, money and political power

Online submission dates are March 1 to 31, 2013.

More information here:

and here: http://www.labex-resmed.fr

----- Välitetty viesti päättyy -----

Marja Vierros
Visiting Research Scholar 2012-2013
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (NYU)
15 East 84th Street
New York, NY 10028

Postdoctoral Researcher
Maailman kulttuurien laitos / Department of world cultures
Kreikan kieli ja kirjallisuus / Greek language and literature
P.O.Box 24 (Unioninkatu 40 A)
FIN-00014 Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki


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