[Antiquitas] KFY:n esitelmätilaisuus ti 26.10 klo 18

Laura Buchholz laura.buchholz at helsinki.fi
Sun Oct 24 23:19:56 EEST 2010

Klassillis-filologisen yhdistyksen kokouksessa tiistaina 26.10 klo

Dos. Zbigniew T. Fiema (HY): Ancient Hegra: A Nabataean-Roman Town in
the Saudi Arabian Hijâz.

Paikka: Helsingin yliopiston päärakennus, aud. II.

Madâ’in Sâlih (ancient Hegra) is large archaeological site in the
Hijâz, Saudi Arabia, located ca 300 km SE of Petra. Hegra was a major
Nabataean political and commercial centre on the Incense Route.
Similarly to Petra, the site features spectacular rock-cut tomb
facades from the 1st century A.D. Since 2008, the Saudi-French
Project has carried out archaeological excavations at the site,
including the settlement, the monumental tombs, and the cultic areas,
which produced a wealth of information on the chronology of the site,
building techniques, material culture and external contacts. The
results of these investigations strongly indicate that the site was
occupied much longer than originally thought, i.e., in the 2nd-4th
centuries A.D., and probably also in the 6th. Furthermore, the
results of the fieldwork bear direct relevance to the on-going
discussion on the Roman presence in the Hijâz. In addition to a
brief introduction to the site, this presentation will concentrate on
the results of the excavations in the residential area and the
resulting historical considerations.

The lecture will take place on Tuesday, 26.10.2010, 18.15, in the
Main Building, Auditorium II

Laura Buchholz, sihteeri
Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys r.y.

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