KINFO: Syyskuun hallituksen kokousten pöytäkirja / The minutes of the board from September

Tommi Tervo totater at
Su Marras 6 16:40:25 EEST 2019

In English below!


Tässä olisi hallituksen kokousten pöytäkirjat syyskuulta olkaa hyvä.

Pöytäkirja 28/2019

Pöytäkirja 29/2019

Pöytäkirja 30/2019

Pöytäkirja 31/2019


Here are the decicions made by the board during September.

Minutes 28/2019

§13 New applicants to be accepted

The board decided accept the applicants named in the attachment 1 to the members of TYK ry

§14 Senior membership

The board decided to grant senior membership to applicant named in attachment 1.

§15 Naming officials

The board decided to name Sonja Bläuer, Aino Eerola and Sofia Rihko as Event officials and name Anni Mantere as a General official.

§16 Stickers

The board decided to order 300 stickers from Plusprint for our members to purchase and reserve 150 € for the expenses.

§17 Freshmen sitz

The board decided to organize the event on 18th of September and reserve 1,500 € for the expenses.

§18 Beer relay and Zeroing party

The board decided to organize the event with Synapsi ry and reserve 450 € for the expenses.

Minutes 29/2019

§14 Senior membership

The board decided to grant senior membership to applicant named in attachment 1.

§15 New edition of Katalysti

The board decided to order 100 copies from Punamusta and reserve 2,400 € for the expenses.

Minutes 30/2019

§13 New applicants to be accepted

The board decided accept the applicants named in the attachment 1 to the members of TYK ry.

§14 Bubble soccer tournament

The board decided to reserve 60 € for the tournament fee.

§15 Lab coats

The board decided to replenish our small sized lab coat stock and reserve 750 € for the expenses.

Minutes 31/2019

§14 The 20th anniversary ball of Digit ry

The board decided to send Maria Nieminen and Ira Tulla to represent and reserve 40 € for the gift and 37.50 € for the dinner voucher.

§15 Renting Kraatteri

The board decided to rent Kraatteri to Tommi Tervo on 29th of October.

§16 Naming officials

The board decided to name Lotta Uusitalo as a Graphics official and Anton Maunu as a General official.

Terveisin / with regards

Tommi Tervo
Sihteeri / Secretary

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