KINFO: Hallituksen kokousten pöytäkirjat keväältä ja kesältä / The minutes of the board from spring and summer
Tommi Tervo
totater at
To Syys 12 11:57:15 EEST 2019
In English below.
Hei Ihmiset!
Pahoittelen etten ole jakanut hallituksen kokousten pöytäkirjoja kevään ja kesän aikana, on ollut liikaa wabu/ työ stresi huolia. Mutta nyt ne ovat tässä Teille ihasteltavaksi! Pyrin saamaan jakoon syyskuun pöytäkirjat lokakuun alussa.
Pöytäkirja 14/2019
Pöytäkirja 15/2019
Pöytäkirja 16/2019
Pöytäkirja 17/2019
Pöytäkirja 18/2019
Pöytäkirja 19/2019
Pöytäkirja 20/2019
Pöytäkirja 21/2019
Pöytäkirja 22/2019
Pöytäkirja 23/2019
Pöytäkirja 24/2019
Pöytäkirja 25/2019
Pöytäkirja 26/2019
Pöytäkirja 27/2019
Hey everyone!
Sorry for not translating decisions from the minutes of the board from past spring and summer. But here are they are now!
The minutes 14/2019
§14 The annual ball of Nucleus ry
The board decided to send Fanni Suomi to represent and reserve 25 € for the gift.
§15 Tykki 1/2019
The board decided to print TYK ry’s official magazine TYKKI an edition of 70 copies.
The minutes 15/2019
§14 The annual ball of T-klubi
The board decided to send Sebastian Andrejeff to represent and reserve 25 € for a gift and 50 € for the dinner voucher.
§15 Mailing of Tykki’s
The board decided to mail Tykki’s for our sister associations and reserve 42 € for the postal stamps.
§16 PGP
The board decided to compete in PGP (pedal car grand prix) and reserve 50 € for the admission fee.
§17 The ribbons of merit
The board decided to grant Mimosa Sillanpää, Matias Kari, Laura Forsman, Ira Tulla, Matti Leinonen and Maria Nieminen the ribbons of merit for their active role in our student organization.
The minutes 16/2019
§13 New applicants to be accepted
The board decided accept the applicants named in the attachment 1 to the members of TYK ry
§14 The Champagne ball and the Herring breakfast
The board decided to reserve 5 600 € for the expenses.
§15 The pub quiz of Tommi & Tommi
The board decided to reserve 30 € for the prize.
§16 The Meading
The board decided to organize the event on 25th of April and reserve 150 € for the expenses.
§17 The Grill sitz
The board decided to organize the event and reserve 600 € for the expenses.
§18 Wine and Cheese night
The board decided to reserve 50 € for the purchase of cheese
§19 Wappu grill
The board decided to reserve 200 € for Wappu’s grilling
§20 The annual ball of HybridiSpeksi
The board decided to send Joonas Silmu to represent and reserve 40 € for a gift and 40 € for the dinner voucher.
The minutes 17/2019
§14 Beer tasting 28th of April
The board decided to reserve 250 € for the expenses
§15 selection for the Committee of educational advancement of chemistry
The board decided to nominate Tommi Tervo as a vice member for the committee
The minutes 18/2019
§13 New applicants to be accepted
The board decided accept the applicants named in the attachment 1 to the members of TYK ry
§14 Renting Kraatteri
The board decided to rent Kraatteri to Samuli Pyytövaara for Star Wars movie marathon on 4th of May.
§15 Champagne and cushi
The board decided to organize the event and reserve 400 € for the expenses.
The minutes 19/2019
§14 Naming an official
The board decided to name Waltteri Hatulainen as general official of TYK.
The minutes 20/2019
§14 Naming officials
The board decided to name Anita Komulainen as event official and to name Camilla Heikinaho and Adalmiina Ylönen as general officials of TYK.
§15 Sauna night for alumni
The board decided to organize the event and reserve 175 € for the expenses.
The minutes 21/2019
Sorry, no decisions
The minutes 22/2019
Sorry, no decisions
The minutes 23/2019
Sorry, no decicions.
The minutes 24/2010
§14 Candies
The board decided to replenish TYK’s stock of candies and reserve 120 € for the expenses.
§15 Coffee
The board decided to replenish TYK’s stock of coffee and reserve 120 € for the expenses.
§16 Piltti-TYKKI
The board decided to order 100 copies of the freshmen edition of TYKKI and reserve 200 € for the expenses.
§17 Lab coats
The board decided to replenish TYK’s stock of lab coats and reserve 1300 € for the expenses
The minutes 25/2019
§14 New Movie night official
The board decided to name Sebastian Andrejeff as new Movie night official of TYK.
§15 Sport shifts of academic year 2019
The board decided to reserve 150 € for the expenses.
§16 Renting Kraatteri
The board decided to rent Kraatteri to Oskari Läntinen to accommodate Aalto-Helsinki IGEM team.
§17 Piltti- ja fuksibileet (Freshmen party)
The board decided to organize the event and reserve 750 € for the expenses.
The minutes 26/2019
§13 New applicants to be accepted
The board decided accept the applicants named in the attachment 1 to the members of TYK ry
§14 Naming an official
The board decided to name Laura Laihonen as general official TYK.
§15 Freshmen weeks game night
The board decided to organize the event and reserve 130 € for the expenses.
§16 Freshmen passes
The board decided to order 120 copies and reserve 100 € for the expenses.
§17 Freshmen baptism
The board decided to organize the event and reserve 800 euros for the expenses.
The minutes 27/2019
§13 New applicants to be accepted
The board decided accept the applicants named in the attachment 1 to the members of TYK ry
§14 Senior membership
The board decided to grant senior membership to applicant named on attachment 1.
§15 Naming an official
The board decided to name Tiia Siivola as a general official of TYK
§16 Football tournament
The board decided to reserve 60 € for the expenses.
§17 Naming handicrafts club official
The board decided to name Malviina Nikola and Anna Hämäläinen as handicrafts club officials.
Ystävällisin terveisin / with regards
Tommi Tervo
TYK ry
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