KINFO: KABI4004 Applied Photosynthesis Research course (6 ECT)

TYK ry biokemiankopo biokemiankopo at
Su Helmi 24 22:38:36 EET 2019

Dear biochemistry students,

We are offering a new course. The registration is open. Pls contact me or Assoc. Prof. Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne if you need more information.

KABI4004 Applied Photosynthesis Research (6 ECT)

04 March - 04 April 2019

The basic concept of biorefineries and the contribution of photosynthetic organisms (cyanobacteria, algae and plants) to blue and green biorefineries will be discussed.

Content: Photosynthesis as a starting point for biorefineries; photosynthetic organisms as a source of food, feed, and fuel; bottlenecks of photosynthetic systems and strategies for improving cost-effectiveness of bio-based production platforms; detection methods for assessing the value of biomass and different end-products: lipids, carotenoids, H2 (MIMS, GC, HPLC, spectrometry) and analysis; estimation of photosynthetic efficiency; thin-layer immobilization of photosynthetic cells and engineering the artificial leaf structure for improved light utilization; wastewater treatment and operation of photobioreactors.

Best regards,

Martina Jokel-Toivanen
Email:     martjok at


Viestin välitti?
Fanni Suomi
Biokemian kopo, TYK ry
biokemiankopo at

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