KINFO: Hallitusten kokousten 5/2019 ja 6/2019 pöytäkirjat / minutes of the board 5/2019 and 6/2019

Tommi Tervo totater at
Ti Helmi 12 14:31:22 EET 2019


Linkistä voi käydä lukemassa hallituksen pöytäkirjoja.

Pöytäkirja 5/2019

Pöytäkirja 6/2019


Here are the decisions made by the board in English.

The minutes 5/2019

§13 College shirts

The board decided to reserve 2,400 euros for purchase of TYK branded college shirts.

§14 Exchange night for the current and the former board of directors at TYYs sauna 10.2.

The board decided to organize the event and reserve 200 euros for renting the sauna and snacks.

The minutes 6/2019

§13 Valentine day's serving of coffee for members and for the staff of both departments

The board decided to organize the event and reserve 100 euros for the expenses.


Tommi Tervo
Sihteeri / Secretary
TYK ry

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