2/2019 hallituksen kokouksen pöytäkirja / Minutes of the board

Tommi Tervo totater at utu.fi
To Tammi 24 17:56:23 EET 2019

In English below.


Linkin kautta pääsee selaamaan pöytäkirjaa.


We’re sorry that minutes (note filings) of the board are only in Finnish but here are the decisions in a compact form.

§12 Granting authority to sign on behalf of the organization to event managers

The board decided to grant an authority to sign to Jaakko Räkkölainen and Nora Kullberg for 2019 term of office.

§13 Amendment to PRH for changing of procuration rights

The board decided reserve 20 € for the expenses of the Amendment.

§14 Rights to use the organizations bank account.

The board decided to grant the rights to use the organizations bank account to chairman of the board Maria Nieminen and to treasurer Ira Tulla. The board also decided to remove the rights for the bank account from former chairman Jenni Peuhkurinen and treasurer Antti Pekkanen.

§15 Small purchases

The board decided that small one-time purchases less than 20 € can be done without separate decision of the board if necessary.

§16 Chemistry summer job Expo

The board decided to reserve 350 € for the expenses of the expo.

§17, §18 and §19 Renting Kraatteri

The board decided to rent Kraatteri for members for their private events on 12th of January, 6th of February and 27th of February.

§20 Course materials

The board decided to reserve 80 € for Finnish-language course materials of microbiology.

§21 Payment for the rent of Kraatteri

The board decided to reserve 2891.52 € for the yearly rent of Kraatteri.


Tommi Tervo
Sihteeri / Secretary
TYK ry
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