KINFO: Jatko-opintopaikka molekulaarisella kasvibiologialla

Milla Kumin milla.kumin at
To toukokuu 3 00:14:20 EEST 2012

PhD student and Postdoc position in plant stress biology

We are seeking highly-motivated PhD student and postdoctoral researcher in the area of
plant stress biology.

Though soil salinity, drought and low temperature, all of which induce osmotic aberrance,
are severe environmental stresses limiting crop productivity, molecular mechanisms of
sensing osmolality and signal transduction from the sensing to the responses in plants
remain elusive. We are investigating osmotic stress signaling with a model plant Arabidopsis
to collect knowledge of fundamental science. The student and the postdoc will work on
kinase pathways that are important for the signaling (PNAS 108, 1717-22), combining the
methods of molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry. The projects will start in
September but starting earlier is negotiable.
The ideal candidate for the student should have prior experience in some of the above
mentioned techniques. The ideal candidate for the postdoc should have expertise in
molecular biology and PhD degree (within 3years is preferred) in biology or related area
with some of the above mentioned techniques. Proficiency in English is required for both,
though experience in plant biology is not essential.

The group of Hiroaki Fujii is a part of Molecular Plant Biology Unit, Department of
Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku, supervised by Prof. Eva-Mari Aro.
The project is carried out at BioCity, Turku.
Qualified candidates should send (by email) a statement of curriculum vitae, research
interest, and contact details for 2 referees to Hiroaki Fujii < hiroaki.fujii at >.
Review of applications will begin on May 21, 2012 and continue until position is filled.
If you have further questions, please contact to the address above.

Fujii H, Verslues PE, Zhu JK (2011) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108:1717-22
Fujii H et al., (2009) Nature. 462:660-4
Fujii H and Zhu JK (2009) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:8380-5


Viestin välitti
Milla Kumin
Tiedotusvastaava, TYK ry