KINFO: Kurssitietoa erityisesti biotekniikan ja biokemian opiskelijoille

Milla Suominen milsuo at
Ke Tammi 27 14:21:49 EET 2010


Tieto levitettäväksi erityisesti biotekniikka / biokemia  
opiskelijoille !

Viimeinen mahdollisuus ilmoittautua BTEK 3110 kurssille - tällä  
viikolla  !

As the basic in vitro diagnostics related teaching has changed since last
fall (the original introductory course has been split into two separate
courses - BTEK 3560 (Tero Soukka) and BTEK1041 (Kim Pettersson)…
..the contents of the BTEK3110 [ Possibilities in Diagnostics ] will
change from a combined lecture and seminar course into a course
containing only student made presentations scientific papers selected
by the examinator.
The prerequisites for joining the course is either
- Passed examination of the original IVD course (2008 or earlier)
- Passed examination of BTEK3560 & attendance of the BTEK1041 course
- corresponding knowledge /experience
Pre-registration to the course is required !!
by Friday January 22 :
- Enrolment list on Dept Biotechnology Board (BioCity, elevator
A, 6th floor)
- or by e-mail: kim.pettersson at

Kim Pettersson

Kim Pettersson
Professor in Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology
University of Turku
Tykistökatu 6A BioCity 6th floor
Tel    +358-2-333 8087
          +358-40-535 1234 (mobile)
Fax  +358-2-333 8050
kim.pettersson at

Viestin välitti Milla Suominen, TYK ry:n tiedotusvastaava