[Kaupunkitutkimus] VL: Critical Perspectives on Urban Political Economy Conference, 26-27 May 2025, Turku, Finland

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Tue Jan 21 11:38:13 EET 2025

FYI! Urban studies conference in Turku in May.
From: TURNS <turns-bounces at lists.tuni.fi> on behalf of Riina Lundman (TAU) <riina.lundman at tuni.fi>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 10:51
To: turns at lists.tuni.fi <turns at lists.tuni.fi>
Subject: [TURNS] CFP: Critical Perspectives on Urban Political Economy Conference, 26-27 May 2025, Turku, Finland

Dear all,

We are pleased to invite you to submit your research to the upcoming Critical Perspectives on Urban Political Economy Conference, which will take place in Turku on 26-27 May, 2025, organized by Turku Institute for Advanced Studies<https://www.utu.fi/en/research/research-collegia/tias> (TIAS), Tampere Urban Research Network for Sustainability<https://research.tuni.fi/turns/> (TURNS) and Nordic Urban Political Economy Network<https://nordic-urban.org/> (NUPE).

The conference welcomes papers that scrutinize the contemporary dynamics of financialized forms of neoliberal urban transformations within the cities from critical perspectives looking into new risks, new forms of self-organisations, such as commons, grassrooted logics of urban development.

We welcome theoretical, empirical, and methodological contributions that engage with the following themes:

  *   Conceptual Dimensions of Urban Political Economy
  *   Urban Entrepreneurialism
  *   Political Economy of Housing: Housing Crisis
  *   Urban Climate Politics and Green Finance
  *   Urban Movements and Justice

Submission Details:

  *   Abstracts of [word count, max. 300words] should be submitted by 15 March 2025.
  *   Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than 31 March 2025.

Please submit your abstracts via https://shorturl.at/mU0ha. Detailed guidelines for submissions can be found attached.

Why Attend?

  *   Networking opportunities, where there will be dedicated time for collaborative breakout rooms. A dedicated slot for participants to engage in smaller groups to exchange ideas, discuss common research interests, publication opportunities, and explore potential collaborations.

  *   Two city excursions: Organized tours showcasing local urban dynamics, providing participants with an opportunity to experience the conference themes in situ.

  *   Keynotes:

Prof. Dr. Yuri Albert Kyrill Kazepov<https://www.soz.univie.ac.at/en/about-us/detail-head-of-department/user/kazepovy76/inum/1125/backpid/82956/>, International Urban Sociology and Compared Welfare Systems at the Department of Sociology

Prof. Dr. Päivi Kymäläinen<https://www.tuni.fi/en/people/paivi-kymalainen>, Unit of Social Research and STUE<https://projects.tuni.fi/stue/> (Sustainable Transformation of Urban Environments), Tampere University

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Dr. Özlem Celik: ozlem.celik at utu.fi<mailto:ozlem.celik at utu.fi> or Prof. Dr. Panu Lehtovuori: panu.lehtovuori at tuni.fi<mailto:panu.lehtovuori at tuni.fi>

We look forward to your submissions and hope to welcome you to an engaging and inspiring event!

Warm regards,

Özlem & Panu


Dr. Özlem Çelik
Senior Researcher

University of Turku
Department of Social Research
Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) Collegium Fellow


Riina Lundman

PhD, Project Manager

Tampere Urban Research Network for Sustainability (TURNS)

Tampere University, Finland

riina.lundman at tuni.fi<mailto:riina.lundman at tuni.fi>; +358504353702


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