[Kaupunkitutkimus] Coming soon on June 5: The Foresight for Resilient Cities project webinar

Pilvi Posio pilvi.posio at utu.fi
Mon Jun 3 10:39:05 EEST 2024

Join the Foresight for Resilient Cities project webinar on urban planning in Nusantara, the future capital of Indonesia, and beyond!


When: Wed, June 5, 2024, 10:00-13:00 (EEST, UTC+03:00, Finland) // 14:00-17:00 (WIB, Jakarta)
Where: Zoom, https://utu.zoom.us/j/63152596587 (Max 500 participants, note that the Zoom-link is not yet active.)

Welcome to the webinar Happy Smart Future to explore the outcomes of the Foresight for Resilient Cities project and gain inspiration from presentations and discussions featuring insights from researchers, the Nusantara Capital City Authority (Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara, OIKN), and businesses.

Foresight for Resilient Cities is a collaboration between Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) and Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) at the university of Turku. The project is funded by Business Finland and realized in collaboration with OIKN in the context of Nusantara, the future capital of Indonesia. The project aims at developing tools for participatory urban planning by exploring the integration of strategic foresight and generative AI-tools provided by the collaborating company UrbanistAI. The project held futures workshops event in the village Argo Mulyo on March 5-7 to explore the expectations and perceptions of happiness in the future Nusantara in a location that was to be part of the area’s urban transformation.

Webinar program (subjected to changes):

Session 1: Future Happy Nusantara
Foresight for Resilient Cities project, participatory futures workshops, and planning for livable and lovable Nusantara

  *   Opening words by Professor Mohammed Ali Berawi, OIKN Deputy of Green and Digital Transformation and Vice-rector Kalle-Antti Suominen, University of Turku (UTU)
  *   Livable and Lovable Nusantara (Mia Amalia, OIKN Deputy for Planning and Land Affairs)
  *   Nusantara Community Happiness Development (Mustika Sari, expert staff OIKN Deputy of Green and Digital Transformation)
  *   Foresight for Resilient Cities project introduction (Pilvi Posio, project leader, UTU)
  *   Foresight for Resilient Cities futures workshops (Ana Jones, project specialist, UTU)
  *   Nusantara participatory workshops (UNDP Accelerator Lab)
Session 2: Digital solutions in urban studies and planning
Introducing holistic, co-creative, and future-oriented solutions

  *   UrbanistAI: Generative AI platform for participatory planning and co-design
  *   Kausal: Turning climate goals into action through a digital platform
  *   Digitalized interactive urban planning (Professor Marketta Kyttä, Aalto University)
  *   Smart City Digital Twins (Jari Kaivo-oja, research director, UTU)

Please feel free to share the invitation.

Pilvi Posio
Senior Researcher
Project leader Foresight for Resilient Cities
Centre for East Asian Studies
University of Turku, Finland

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