[Kaupunkitutkimus] Book Launch: "Narrative in Urban Planning: A Practical Field Guide" April 26 at Tampere University

Lieven Ameel (TAU) lieven.ameel at tuni.fi
Wed Mar 29 12:13:59 EEST 2023

                              Book Launch


Lieven Ameel, Jens Martin Gurr, Barbara Buchenau

April 26, 2023. 15h-16.30h, RJ108, School of Architecture, Hervanta Campus, Tampere University

Zoom link: https://tuni.zoom.us/j/68406184345?pwd=SjFkRXFTZk9TQm1zUzk2cy9pVmhJUT09 <https://tuni.zoom.us/j/68406184345?pwd=SjFkRXFTZk9TQm1zUzk2cy9pVmhJUT09>

What do planners need to know in order to use narrative approaches responsibly in their practice? This practical field guide makes insights from narrative research accessible to planners through a glossary of key concepts in the field of narrative planning. What makes narratives coherent, probable, persuasive, even necessary – but also potentially harmful, manipulative and divisive? How can narratives help to build more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive communities? The authors are literary scholars who have extensive practical experience in planning practice, training planning scholars and practitioners or advising municipalities on how to harness the power of stories in urban development.

This is the first book to synthesize the theory and practice of storytelling in urban planning into a usable handbook for practitioners. It makes available key insights both from research and from practical experience in training planners and in working with municipalities. The emphasis is on accessibility and applicability: in clearly structured entries, this practical field guide defines key concepts, provides examples and illustrations, and discusses possible applications. The book aims to allow a practitioner in the middle of a project to quickly look up a relevant key concept, but also to provide pointers to in-depth research.


15.15: opening words

Lieven Ameel (TUNI), Jens Martin Gurr & Barbara Buchenau (University of Duisburg-Essen)

15.25-15.50: commentaries

“Narrative in planning” – commentator: Dalia Milián Bernal, architect and doctoral researcher (TUNI)

“utopia”, “metaphor”, “model” – commentator: Juho Rajaniemi, Vice Dean for Education, professor of urban planning and design (TUNI)

“rhythm”, “palimpsest”, “path-dependency” – commentator: Panu Lehtovuori, professor of planning theory (TUNI)

15.50-16.30: Q&A, refreshments

For catering, please sign in with this form by April 19: https://forms.office.com/e/6Fg8SKMczu

Book details and link:

Lieven Ameel, Jens Martin Gurr & Barbara Buchenau: Narrative in Urban Planning: A Practical Field Guide. Transcript 2023.

Published Open Access, March, 2023.


Event organizers: TUNISchool of Architecture / Narrare Centre for Interdisciplinary Narrative Studies at Tampere University, Finland / History, Philosophy and Literary Studies Unit

With very best wishes



Dr., docent Lieven Ameel

Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature
Co-editor of the Palgrave Series in Literary Urban Studies


Latest publications:

Narrative in Urban Planning: A Practical Field Guide. Ameel, Gurr & Buchenau (2023). Open access:


The Routledge Companion to Literary Urban Studies (2022)


"Narrative Forms of Adaptation, Retreat, and Mitigation in Richard Ford’s Let Me Be Frank with You" - Poetics Today (2022) 43:1




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