[Kaupunkitutkimus] Invitation to the seminar ‘Urban change and housing market developments in Europe’ 22 March 2023 in Helsinki registration by 15th March 2023

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Mon Mar 6 12:09:22 EET 2023

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Lähettäjä: "Nevalainen Jaana (YM)" <Jaana.Nevalainen at gov.fi>
Aihe: Invitation to the seminar ‘Urban change and housing market developments in Europe’ 22 March 2023 in Helsinki registration by 15th March 2023

The Neighbourhood Renewal Programme 2020-2022 (Lähiöohjelma 2020-2022)
has the pleasure to invite you to the seminar

‘Urban change and housing market developments in Europe’
Socio-economic segregation is the outcome of inequalities in income and wealth combined with the spatial organisation of the housing market and mediated by the types of welfare housing systems. This workshop draws upon the latest research from across European cities paying particular attention to contemporary housing market transformations that both reflect and enforce new technologies of financialisation, recent economic shifts and ongoing demographic transitions. A specific outcome has been a revival of private rental sectors that follow new patterns of local and cross border flows/agglomerations of wealth derived from rents.  Another related dimension of transformation has been the intensification of housing inequalities shaped by age and intergenerational differences. In combination with late-neoliberal housing policies and diminishing housing affordability, the interaction of housing market transformation with socioeconomic change is (re)shaping our cities and appears to be driving greater and more nuanced patterns of social and spatial inequality.

Seminar details:
Date: Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Time: 9:15-16:00
Venue: Jugend sali 2.kerros, GLO hotel Art, Lönnrotinkatu 29, 00180 Helsinki
Programme: Attached

Please, register by 15th March:

Dr. Lindsay Flynn, Associate Professor, University of Luxembourg
Dr. Richard Ronald, Professor, Universtiy of Amserdam
Dr. Manuel Aalbers, Professor, KU Leuven
Dr. Rowan Arundel, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam
Dr. Justin Kadi, Assistant Professor, TU Vienna/Cambridge University
Dr. Johanna Lilius, Senior Scientist, Aalto University

Best wishes,

Jaana Nevalainen
Ympäristöneuvos, YTT
Rakennetun ympäristön osasto
PL 35
00023 Valtioneuvosto
Puh. 0295 250 195, 0400 985 966
Sähköposti: jaana.nevalainen at gov.fi<mailto:jaana.nevalainen at gov.fi>

Dr. Jaana Nevalainen
Senior Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of the Environment
Built Environment Department
P.O. Box 35
00023 Government
Mobile: +358 400 985 966
E-mail: jaana.nevalainen at gov.fi<mailto:jaana.nevalainen at gov.fi>

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