[Kaupunkitutkimus] PLANNORD PhD network

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Fri Apr 8 12:40:29 EEST 2022


Hyvät väitöskirjan tekijät ja ohjaajat, mahdollisuus liittyä yhteispohjoismaiseen Plannordin verkostoon. Fokus on kaupunkisuunnittelussa, laajasti ottaen. Liittymällä et varmasti ainakaan menetä mitään.

Laitoin research groupiksi Urban studies. Halutessanne voitte tehdä samoin.

Parhain terveisin,


Välitetty viesti alkaa:

Lähettäjä: Purkarthofer Eva <eva.purkarthofer at aalto.fi<mailto:eva.purkarthofer at aalto.fi>>
Aihe: PLANNORD PhD network
Päivämäärä: 8. huhtikuuta 2022 klo 12.33.59 UTC+3
Vastaanottaja: Sampo Ruoppila <sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi<mailto:sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi>>

Dear Sampo,

I am contacting you today in my role as coordinator of the PLANNORD PhD Network in Finland.

PLANNORD is an open platform that aims to bring together research institutions and planning authorities with a shared interest in spatial planning in the Nordic countries. PLANNORD is also represented as thematic group in the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). See also: http://www.aesop-planning.eu/blogs/en_GB/nordic-planning

As part of the networking and knowledge exchange activities, PLANNORD maintains a PhD education network, which intends to offer doctoral candidates the opportunity to meet peers, participate in courses and workshops, and enable collaboration across the Nordic planning universities (and beyond).

We are currently putting together a mailing list for the PhD education network with the goal to keep those interested informed about activities within PLANNORD. PhD students as well as supervisors/professors are warmly invited to sign up for the list. If you want to be included, please fill in this google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HyMzk_v5XKK8brv5gkmhI-5t0SOk2EG5Hq_r8OrO10c

Could I ask you to share this message among your research group/department and especially with PhD students?

Thanks a lot, and of course don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or activities to promote!

Eva Purkarthofer
Postdoctoral researcher
Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering
Aalto University

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