[Kaupunkitutkimus] CfP EXTENDED: 11th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network Sociology of the Arts, 8-11 September 2020, Helsinki

Sari Karttunen Sari.Karttunen at cupore.fi
Sun Feb 16 21:13:25 EET 2020

Euroopan sosiologiyhdistyksen (ESA) taidesosiologian verkoston konferenssin teemana on tällä kertaa "The Social Effects of Art: Activism, Advocacy and Beyond". Esitykset voivat käsitellä tätä teemaa tai liittyä mihin tahansa taidesosiologian ydinteemaan, joihin kuuluu mm. "Arts and the city". Kaupunkitutkimusta sivuaa myös yksi konferenssin keynoteista, Eduardo de la Fuenten esitys "Attuned to ‘Texture’: Towards a Social Science and Practice of Place Management".  

CfP EXTENDED: 11th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network Sociology of the Arts, 8-11 September 2020, Helsinki
The theme of the conference is “The Social Effects of Art: Activism, Advocacy and Beyond”, but we welcome proposals related to any of the core areas of the sociology of the arts (https://www.europeansociology.org/research-networks/rn02-sociology-arts).

Call for Proposals and Abstract submission: The extended DL for paper, panel, roundtable and workshop submissions is February 29, 2020.

Formats of presentation
•    Contributed paper (presented in 90 minutes sessions with 4 papers) 
•    Distributed paper or poster 
•    Panel in which the panel convener invites paper presentations around a topical issue (45–90 minutes) 
•    Roundtable in which the roundtable convener invites attendees to discuss a topical issue (45–90 minutes) 
•    Workshop, e.g. artistic workshop or methodological demonstration (45–90 minutes) 
•    Other presentation format 
The conference is hosted by the University of the Arts Helsinki. More information: https://sites.uniarts.fi/web/esa-arts2020/home
If you have any questions, please contact: esa-arts2020 at uniarts.fi

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