[Kaupunkitutkimus] Post-doc positions in Sweden

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Sun Dec 1 05:48:09 EET 2019

------- Edelleenlähetetty viesti ------
Lähettäjä: Miguel A. Martínez <miguel.martinez at ibf.uu.se>
Päivämäärä: pe 29.11.2019 klo 20.19
Aihe: Post-doc positions in Sweden
Vast.ott.: <COMURB_R21 at listserv.gsu.edu>

Are you interested in a 2-years post-doc position in Sweden? Check this
call (deadline: 23 January 2020). My workplace (IBF, in Uppsala) might be
your host if your project proposal suits well (housing as welfare, for
example). Contact me or my colleagues if you think so.

*Miguel A. Martínez* | Professor of Housing and Urban Sociology
*IBF (Institute for Housing and Urban Research), Uppsala University* | P O
Box 514, SE-751 20 Uppsala (Sweden)

Academic website and blog: www.miguelangelmartinez.net
Photography: http://somosuninstante.tumblr.com/ |

Martínez, M. (2020) *Squatters in the Capitalist City.* New York:
20% discount code SCC20
Dadusc, D., Grazioli, M. & Martínez, M. (2019) Citizenship as inhabitance?
Migrant housing squats versus institutional accommodation. *Citizenship
Studies* https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13621025.2019.1634311
Martínez, M. (2019) Framing Urban Movements, Contesting Global Capitalism
and Liberal Democracy. In Yip, N., M. Martínez & X. Sun (Eds.) *Contested
Cities and Urban Activism.* Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan
Martínez, M. (2019) Bitter wins or a long-distance race? Social and
political outcomes of the Spanish housing movement. *Housing Studies*
34(10): 1588-1611

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att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det
kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/

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