[Kaupunkitutkimus] Academy project seminar 15.8. “City crafting: visualisation as a tool for spatial policy”

Söderholm Maria maria.soderholm at aalto.fi
Tue Aug 13 14:46:11 EEST 2019

You are warmly wellcome to

SCENSLECO* Academy project final seminar “City crafting: visualisation as a tool for spatial policy”.
In the seminar we will explore the potentials and perils of the visual aspects of persuasive “storytelling” in strategic planning and spatial policy making. Our keynote, Stefanie Dühr, is the author of the acclaimed book “The Visual Language of Spatial Planning”, a key reference to much of research on maps and visual images in planning. Other presentations probe multiple aspects of visualisations in strategic spatial planning.

15.8.2019, 10-16

Aalto University, Töölö campus, Helsinki
Chydenia building, Runeberginkatu 22-24
Lecture hall G-111


10:00                     Opening words: persuasive city-crafting - legitimacy contested? Raine Mäntysalo

10:30-12:15        Keynote: Continuity and change. Visual(ising) strategic spatial policy in Europe: questions for planning practice and research
                              by Stefanie Dühr, University of South Australia
”Visualising is a powerful instrument for strategic spatial policy. There is a pronounced need to break with traditional epistemological assumptions of a rational-scientific cartography in planning, and to prepare planners for future challenges arising from co-operation on informal spatial strategies. This requires planners to think ‘outside the box’, and to consider new ways for the appropriate cartographic representation of dynamic and relational aspects of nonbinding spatial policy at all levels of scale.”

13:00-16:00     Presentations:
“A great [Nordic] city is full of stories!” Tools of persuasion in urban development videos. Helena Leino & Markus Laine, Tampere University
“Artefactual anchoring” of strategic spatial planning as persuasive storytelling. Raine Mäntysalo, Aalto University


Cartographic Bilingualism: how to (not) resolve the divide of statutory vs strategic spatial planning. Alois Humer, Aalto University
Turning Strategic Aspirations into Visual Stories: Politics of Relational Cartographic Narratives in Finnish Strategic Spatial Planning. Vesa Kanninen, Aalto University

*SCENSLECO: Strategic spatial planning with momentum gaining scenario storytelling: legitimacy contested? Aalto University & University of Tampere
Academy of Finland -funded research project 2016-2019

On behalf of SCENSLECO,
Maria Söderholm
Information Specialist
Research Services
Aalto University

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