[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: PhD positions at Tallinn University : Public transport as public space in European cities:

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 22:51:21 EET 2019

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Lähettäjä: lela rekhviashvili <lel.rekhviashvili at gmail.com>
Päivämäärä: to 14.2.2019 klo 9.06
Aihe: PhD positions at Tallinn University : Public transport as public
space in European cities:
Vast. ott.: <CITIESAFTERTRANSITION at jiscmail.ac.uk>

Dear all,

Let me draw your attention to recently announced two PhD positions at
Tallinn University.  <https://www.tlu.ee/en/putspace/phd-positions>As
someone already involved in the project ' Public transport as public space
in European cities (PUTSPACE) I am biased indeed, but I do believe this is
a very nice opportunity for young researchers to work with a friendly,
motivated,  interdisciplinary research team.

Please see more info below and don't hesitate to write to Maris Peters (
maris.peters at tlu.ee) concerning the application procedure, and to Dr. Tauri
Tuvikene (tauri.tuvikene at tlu.ee) with content related questions on PhD

Best wishes and good luck,


Dr. Lela Rekhviashvili

Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography

Schongauerstraße 9


l_rekhviashvili at ifl-leipzig.de

www.ifl-leipzig.de <http://www.ifl-leipzig.de%20>

Just out:

Placing transport workers on the agenda: the conflicting logics of
governing mobility on Bishkek's marshrutkas
<https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/anti.12402> co-authored
with Wladimir Sgibnev, Antipode, 2018

Uber, Marshrutkas and socially (dis-)embedded mobilities
<http://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/nDAyVq2gH93hmsXkmswq/full> ,co-authored
with Wladimir Sgibnev, Journal of Transport History, 2018

Post-socialist Informalities: Power, Agency and the Construction of
Extra-legalities from Bosnia to China
a volume co-edited with Abel Polese, Borbala Kovacs, Jeremy Morris,
Routledge, 2018

Tallinn University is offering two full-time and fully funded doctoral
student positions to conduct research in PhD projects connecting fields
such as urban studies / cultural anthropology / cultural history / urban
history / human geography / comparative literature.

Both PhD positions are offered for 4 years, starting on 1 September 2019.

The two positions are available within the forthcoming Humanities in the
European Research Area (HERA) project
"Public transport as public space in European cities: Narrating,
experiencing, contesting (PUTSPACE)",

with an international research consortium led by Dr. Tauri Tuvikene
<https://www.etis.ee/CV/Tauri_Tuvikene/eng>, who is one of the supervisors
for the PhD projects.

The project conceptualises public transport (PT) as public space: one which
confronts citizens with social diversity, speaks of different types of
ownership, discipline and surveillance, subversion, interaction and
remaking of social norms. This conceptualisation is articulated through
four objectives:

   1. to critically conceptualise and analyse what kind of public space
   public transport is;
   2. to understand urban transformations—the increasing social diversity
   and polarisation, liberalisation, privatisation and securitisation—of
   public space in European cities by attending to PT as particularly intense
   and contentious set of public spaces;
   3. to offer a located and historicised perspective on the transformation
   of public space by examining narratives, experiences and contestations over
   PT in different European cities;
   4. (to contribute to PT-related research, as well as, interventions in
   civic mobilising, planning and policy by a humanities-led analysis and
   conceptualisation of PT.

The two PhD students will join a team of four Principal Investigators and
three senior researchers. PhD students are positioned at the
interdisciplinary and international School of Humanities of Tallinn
University (Estonia) but their work entails close collaboration with
PUTSPACE project partners Åbo Akademi University (Turku, Finland), Leibniz
Institute for Regional Geography (Leipzig, Germany) and Université libre de
Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium). Research stays at respective institutions
are envisioned in the course of the PhD studies.

We seek two doctoral students who are responsible for strengthening the
project’s conceptual intersection, by designing and implementing a
theoretically-informed and empirically-grounded research project. While
accepting single case study research, we strongly encourage comparative



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