[Kaupunkitutkimus] INVITATION: Governing Future Cities 21.2.2019 (Tampere, Finland)

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Mon Feb 4 22:21:31 EET 2019

Lähettäjä: Iina Sankala (TAU) <iina.sankala at tuni.fi>
Lähetetty: 4. helmikuuta 2019 16:43
Vastaanottaja: Iina Sankala (TAU)
Aihe: INVITATION: Governing Future Cities 21.2.2019 (Tampere, Finland)

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Seminar: Governing Future Cities

How do complex cities work as arenas of governance, civic engagement and planning?

Join us to discuss some of the most urgent issues in urbanizing society. BEMINE research project together with Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University organizes an afternoon seminar Governing Future Cities. We look forward to a vivid exchange of ideas from strategic research projects Beyond MALPE-coordination: Integrative Envisioning (BEMINE), Dwellers in Agile Cities (DAC) and Urbanization, Mobilities and Immigration (URMI).

Keynote by urban planning theorist, prof. (em.) Robert A. Beauregard based on his recent books "Cities in the Urban Age" and "Planning Matter: Acting with Things".
Date:     Thursday, 21 February 2019
Time:     12:00-16:00
Venue:  Werstas (The Finnish Labour Museum), Väinö Linnan aukio 8, Tampere

Registration: Register here by 12th February.<https://goo.gl/forms/REYU0FMY1qjuke2f1> The event is open for all, but please notice that the number of seats is limited. The seminar will be held in English.


Welcoming words


Keynote: Cities in the urban age
Robert A. Beauregard, Columbia University


Reflections: Organized complexity in city governance
Ilari Karppi, Tampere University, BEMINE


Hybrid governance in urbanizing society
Jarmo Vakkuri, Tampere University, BEMINE, HYPER


Coffee break




A missing citizen? Issue-based participation in city-regional planning
Jouni Häkli & Kirsi Pauliina Kallio, Tampere University, BEMINE


Context matters in cities: Why scaling up is so hard to accomplish?
Helena Leino & Markus Laine, Tampere University, DAC


Changing drivers of urbanisation - first results of abnormal scaling of Finnish city regions
Panu Lehtovuori & Jenni Partanen, Tampere University, URMI


"Artefactual anchoring" of strategic spatial planning as persuasive storytelling
Raine Mäntysalo, Aalto University, BEMINE consortium leader


Discussion & closing words

(Program in PDF, here<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HhHHnFAuzA_mj0_nCnMai7WpBrOyVroT>)

For more details, see BEMINE project website bemine.fi<https://bemine.fi/governing-future-cities-21-2-2019/>. Any possible changes will be updated there. If you have any questions, please contact the organisers: iina.sankala at tuni.fi<mailto:iina.sankala at tuni.fi>, kaisu.sahamies at tuni.fi<mailto:kaisu.sahamies at tuni.fi>, ilari.karppi at tuni.fi<mailto:ilari.karppi at tuni.fi>, jarmo.vakkuri at tuni.fi<mailto:jarmo.vakkuri at tuni.fi>


Iina Sankala
Tampereen yliopisto
Johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunta
Pinni A3036
+358 50 4377 178
Twitter: @iinasank<https://twitter.com/iinasank>

BEMINE (MALPE-koordinaatiosta integroivaan visiointiin)

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