[Kaupunkitutkimus] PLANNORD2019 - Future Challenges for Nordic Planning

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Thu Nov 8 14:49:59 EET 2018

Dear all!

We are happy to announce PLANNORD 2019, The 9th Nordic Planning Research Symposium

21 - 23 August 2019 at NMBU and Oscarsborg in Norway. PhD Workshop from 19-21 August 2019.

Host: The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Department of Urban and Regional Planning

See https://www.nmbu.no/en/events/plannord2019/node/35572

Deadline for sending abstracts is 15th of January 2019, to one of the following tracks:

Track 1: Urban sustainability – time for a new paradigm

Track 2: Enhancing Livability in Urban Areas

Track 3: Integrated Coastal Development and Planning – future challenges for Nordic countries

Track 4: Planning methods in practice

Track 5: Sustainable mobility

Please spread the word to your national network!

More information about Registration and Fee, and the PhD workshop, will come soon, but please save the dates.

Looking forward to see you in August next year!

Best wishes,

Knut Bjørn

Knut Bjørn Stokke

Associated Professor

Department for Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty for Landscape and Society

Norwegian University of Life Sciences


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