[Kaupunkitutkimus] Invitation Dynamics of Urban Segregation Seminar 19.11.2018

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue Oct 16 09:28:28 EEST 2018

You are invited to attend the seminar
“Dynamics of Urban Segregation in Europe:
Understanding Socio-economic and Ethnic Divisions in Finnish Cities”

Seminar details:
Date: Monday, 19 November 2018
Time: 10.00-16.00
Venue: Pankkisali auditorium, Ministry of the Environment, Aleksanterinkatu 7, Helsinki

Introduction: Levels of residential segregation are growing
Growing inequalities in European cities are a major challenge threatening their competitiveness and the social sustainability of urban communities, making cities more susceptible to social unrest as seen in recent years in many European cities. With some delay, rising income inequality sorts people from different income classes into different types of neighbourhoods, leading to increasing segregation. Inequality is translating into urban space through the spatial organisation of the urban housing market and the residential mobility behaviour of households. In many European cities rich and poor are living increasingly separated from one another and spatial concentrations of poverty overlap with spatial concentrations of non-western ethnic minorities. The link between social inequalities and segregation is not straightforward and the relationship between inequality and segregation is as complex as it is multi-dimensional. What are the vicious circles of segregation? How do urban inequality and segregation affect each other?  What we can learn about segregation trends and policy responses in other European countries?

Please, register by 12th November: Ilmoittautuminen/Registration<https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/9BD1F6AC772B4C6B>
Please notice that the number of seats is limited.


10:00                Opening words

10:05                Keynote I: “Inter-relations between income inequality and segregation”
Tiit Tammaru, Professor of Urban and Population Geography, University of Tartu, Estonia

”Dynamics of residential segregation in three urban regions in Finland”
Timo Kauppinen, Research Manager, National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

11:30                Lunch

12:30                Keynote II: “Vicious circles of segregation over the life course”
Maarten van Ham, Professor of Urban Renewal, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Case Finland:
"Income mobility and exits from low-income neighbourhoods"
Maria Vaalavuo, Research Manager, National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
"Estonian minorities in Finland"
Anneli Kährik, Senior Research Fellow, University of Tartu, Estonia

14:00                Coffee

14:30                Keynote III: “Segregation trends in Sweden and national and local policy responses”
Roger Andersson, Professor in Housing and Urban Geography, Uppsala University, Sweden

                          Case Finland:
“The role of residential neighbourhood and workplace in the formation of inter-ethnic partnerships”
Leen Rahnu, Research Fellow, University of Tartu, Estonia
“Native-origin families with children as drivers of ethnic residential segregation"
Timo Kauppinen, Research manager, National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

16:00                Closing

Please, register by 12th November: Ilmoittautuminen/Registration<https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/9BD1F6AC772B4C6B>
Please notice that the number of seats is limited.

Best wishes,
Jaana Nevalainen

Dr. Jaana Nevalainen
Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of the Environment
Department of the Built Environment
P.O. Box 35
00023 Government
Mobile: +358 400 985 966
E-mail: jaana.nevalainen at ym.fi<mailto:jaana.nevalainen at ym.fi>

Tietosuoja ympäristöministeriössä<http://www.ym.fi/fi-FI/Ministerio/Yhteystiedot_ja_asiointi/Tietosuoja_ja_henkilotietojen_kasittely_(46900)>

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