[Kaupunkitutkimus] Nordic Arts & Health Research Conference on 7 November 2018, Turku

Anu Laukkanen anu.laukkanen at utu.fi
Tue Oct 2 19:28:48 EEST 2018


Ohessa Turussa 7. marraskuuta järjestettävän taiteen, kulttuurin ja hyvinvoinnin pohjoismaisen tutkijaverkostotapaamisen ohjelma. Ohjelma kokonaisuudessaan löytyy myös konferenssin nettisivuilta: https://taikusydan.turkuamk.fi/research-network/ .

Ilmoittautumiset tapaamiseen 7. lokakuuta mennessä. Tervetuloa mukaan!

Yst. terv. Anu Laukkanen
Kulttuurin ja terveyden tutkimusyksikkö
Turun yliopisto


Nordic Arts & Health Research Conference on 7 November 2018, Turku, Finland

We warmly invite all Nordic researchers interested in the intersections of arts, culture, health and wellbeing to join the multidisciplinary Arts & Health Research Conference on 7 November 2018 at 8.30-17.00 in Turku, a beautiful old city in the southwest coast of Finland.

The aim of the conference is to create a network of Nordic researchers in the interdisciplinary field of Arts & Health, offer opportunities to discuss ongoing research projects, and identify common research topics. The aim of the Nordic Arts & Health Research Network is to create a platform for researchers to share theoretical discourses, examples of practice-based research and empirical research within the Arts & Health context. One of the key themes of the conference is to introduce ‘work in process’ of a new publication Nordic Journal for Arts, Culture & Health: Practice and Research.

The research conference will take place at the Arts Academy of Turku University of Applied Sciences, which is located near the Turku harbour (Linnankatu 54, Turku).

8.30-9.00       Registration & coffee
9.00-9.15        Welcome: Building a Nordic Arts & Health Research Network
9.15-9.45        Keynote: What are we talking about when we talk about Arts and Health?
Pia Houni, Adjunct professor, Senior researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

Research presentations: Participatory arts, theatre and mental health

9.45- 10.05    Amateur theatre and user participation as health promotion in Nordic mental health care: Empirical patterns and sociological reflections
Anita Salamonsen, Associate professor, The Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare – North, UiT The Arctic University of Norway & Wenche Torrissen, Associate professor, Volda University College and Nord University

10.05-10.25    The theatre comes into the child welfare unit
Päivi Känkänen, Senior researcher & Marko Manninen, Docent, Senior researcher, National Institute for Health and Welfare

10.25-10.45    The transformative potential of participatory arts in mental health recovery
Kristin Berre Ørjasæter, PhD student, Nord University

10.45-11.05    Building resilience within through performance making
 Ellen Foyn Bruun, Associate professor Drama & Theatre, Dramatherapist, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU

11.05-11.20   Break

Research presentations: Arts and health in education and therapy

11.20-11.40    The power of art and culture in education and practice in mental health work
Wigdis Helen Saether, Associate professor, Mental health nurse, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU

11.40-12.00    Narrative medicine: a contribution to medical education at University of  Southern Denmark
Anders Juhl Rasmussen, Assistant professor, University of Southern Denmark

12.00-12.20    Bibliotherapy: The Finnish model and potential of narratives for well-being
 Päivi Kosonen, Bibliotherapist, Senior lecturer, University of Turku

12.20-13.30   Lunch

Research presentations: Parallel sessions A-C
Choose one of the three sessions.

Session A: Arts in Health and Care
13.30-13.50   Investigating death through art and science – initiatives to improve health care for the terminally ill and dying
Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg, External lecturer, University of Copenhagen

13.50-14.10    Arts in supporting recovery in hospital environment
Sari Laitinen, Music therapist, FL, Espoo Hospital

Session B: Cultural activities, health and survival
13.30-13.50    Cultural activities and survival in a 5-year follow-up
Tellervo Nenonen, University of Helsinki, National Institute for Health and Welfare

13.50-14.10    Yoik experiences and possible positive health outcomes
Soile Hämäläinen, Researcher, National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NAFKAM, The Arctic University of Norway

Session C: Sense, technology and health
13.30-13.50    Individualized multisensory environments in dementia care: Findings from the SENSE-GARDEN EU-project
Gemma Goodall, PhD candidate, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU

13.50-14.10    Human-centered v.s technology-driven smart textiles design processes in the context of prematurely born babies.
Camilla Groth, Associate professor, University of Southeast Norway, Postdoc researcher, Aalto University

14.10-14.30         Coffee break

14.30-15.30     Parallel Workshops
Choose one of the three workshops. Prior sign-up required.

Workshop 1
Visual Storytelling: An Arts-based Method to Explore Seniors’ Health and Well-being
Leah Burns & Masood Masoodian, Aalto University
What are the stories that we live by and how do they maintain, conceal, resist, and counter dominant narratives? In this workshop participants will experiment with storytelling methods that examine practices and perceptions about ageing, health and well-being as well as the potential of story-based inquiry in supporting co-design of health services.

Workshop 2
Reflecting #metoo with music and dance – using Microphenomenology as a way to understand social touch
Eva Bojner Horwitz, Professor, Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Karolinska Institutet Sweden
In this workshop we will reflect on body movements and music and how an aesthetic dimension of experience can have a humanizing impact on an audience.

Workshop 3
Nordic Journal for Arts, Culture and Health
Anita Jensen, Postdoc researcher, Centre for Culture & Health, Aalborg University & Wenche Torrissen, Associate professor, Volda University College and Nord University
Interactive workshop about a Nordic Journal for Arts, Culture and Health. We will discuss  different aspects of starting a journal with focus on arts, culture and health in the Nordic countries and gather vital information from you about your needs in terms of areas of interest/publishing article/reviewing and other topics of relevance.

15.45-17.00   Planning for the future of the network

After the conference a dinner will be organised at 6 pm. All conference participants are welcomed to join the dinner at their own expense (approx. 30 €). Registration in advance is necessary.

Registration for the conference by 7 October, 2018:


Conference venue
The conference will take place at the Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Linnankatu 54, Turku<https://www.google.com/maps/place/Linnankatu+54,+20100+Turku/@60.4404317,22.2416618,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x468c77a9efe29e1d:0x378132ac07d9cd5a!8m2!3d60.4404317!4d22.243850>.
You can easily take a walk by the river from the city centre, or arrive by the bus number 1. The bus stop is located right in front of the conference venue.


When booking your accommodation, please note that we have special rates for three hotels located in the city centre. By booking your accommodation before 23 October and using the  conference code “Conference2018” when making the reservation, you’ll be offered special rates at following hotels:

Original Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs<https://www.sokoshotels.fi/en/turku/sokos-hotel-hamburger-bors>
sokos.hotels at sok.fi<mailto:sokos.hotels at sok.fi>
Tel. +358 (0)20-1234 600
Standard 1 person 97 € / night
Standard 2 persons 107 € / night


Scandic Julia<https://www.scandichotels.com/hotels/finland/turku/scandic-julia>
julia at scandichotels.com<mailto:julia at scandichotels.com>
Tel. +358 2 336 000
Standard 1 person 99€ / night
Standard 2 persons 119€ / night


Centro Hotel<http://www.centrohotel.com/en/>
centro at centrohotel.com<mailto:centro at centrohotel.com>
Tel. +358-2-2118100
Standard 1 person 100€ / night
Standard 2 persons 119€ / night


The initiative for the network is taken by the Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Centre for Culture & Health (Aalborg University), Research Center for Culture and Health (University of Turku), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegian Centre for Arts and Health (Nord University), Volda University College and Karolinska Institutet.

The conference is supported by the Taikusydän initiative (https://taikusydan.turkuamk.fi/english/info/) and the Arts Academy of Turku University of Applied Sciences. The event is free of charge.

For more information, please contact:
Liisa Laitinen
Project Planner, Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences
liisa.laitinen at utu.fi<mailto:liisa.laitinen at utu.fi>, +358 50 468 7264

Anita Jensen
Postdoc, Centre for Culture & Health, Aalborg University
anita at hum.aau.dk<mailto:anita at hum.aau.dk>, +45 60191276

Eva Bojner Horwitz
Professor, Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Karolinska Institutet
eva.bojner.horwitz at ki.se<mailto:eva.bojner.horwitz at ki.se>, +46 70 586 36 94

Wenche Torrissen
Associate professor, Volda University College and National Center for Culture, Health and Care (Nord University)
torrissen at hivolda.no<mailto:torrissen at hivolda.no>, +47 95181716

Researchers interested in cultural policy phenomena are also invited to attend the Finnish Conference on Cultural Policy Research, which will be organized on 8-9 November 2018 in Turku, with the theme ‘Art, culture and inequality’. For more information, see:https://kulttuuripolitiikantutkimus.fi/ .

Anu Laukkanen
Kulttuurin ja terveyden tutkimusyksikkö
Turun yliopisto
p. 050 469 8224

Anu Laukkanen
Post-doctoral researcher
Research Center for Culture and Health
University of Turku
tel. +358 50 469 8224

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