[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: Call for applications: 13 PhD positions in MSCA ITN RE-CITY, deadline 15 October

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 16:47:18 EEST 2018

13 kaupunkitutkimuksen tohtorinkoulutuspaikkaa eurooppalaisissa
yliopistoissa haettavana. kansallisuus ei vaikuta valintaan.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bontje, Marco <M.A.Bontje at uva.nl>
Date: ti 25. syysk. 2018 klo 10.26
Subject: Call for applications: 13 PhD positions in MSCA ITN RE-CITY,
deadline 15 October
To: <COMURB_R21 at listserv.gsu.edu>

Apologies for any possible cross-posting (has also been distributed through
other mailing lists before), spreading the word to potential PhD candidates
is appreciated!

*Call for Applications*

On behalf of the Innovative Training Network “Reviving shrinking cities –
innovative paths and perspectives towards liveability for shrinking cities
in Europe” (RE-CITY-ITN), the department International Planning Systems
(IPS) at the University of Kaiserslautern is pleased to announce the
recruitment of 13 Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) PhD positions for Early
Stage Researchers (ESR). The RE-CITY consortium consists of scholars and
practitioners from nine beneficiary-institutions in eight countries
(Germany, United Kingdom, France, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland,
and Mexico). All have an interdisciplinary background working on shrinking
cities. Additionally seven partner-institutions and companies from four
countries are collaborating with training and secondments in Germany,
Netherlands, USA and Japan.

The PhDs will be hosted at one of the beneficiary-institutions of RE-CITY:
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK), Cambridge Architectural
Research (CAR), École Normale Supérieure Paris (ENS), Spatial Foresight
(SPF), TU Dortmund University (TUDO), University of Amsterdam (UVA),
University of Porto (UPORTO), Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan (AMU) and
University of Guadalajara (UDG).

The RE-CITY ITN is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme to
explore and evaluate new approaches and success factors for shrinking
cities. The project aims to train highly skilled experts for the four key
themes of shrinking cities: conceptualising shrinking smart, governing,
greening/right-sizing, and regrowing shrinking cities. RE-CITY provides a
perspective for the robust and sustainable development of shrinking cities,
while supporting elements of economic prosperity, liveability, social
stability and innovation. This ITN will develop novel solutions for
shrinking cities, and investigate case study approaches for dealing with
them in terms of the four key themes noted above. On this basis, the
RE-CITY programme will develop a framework of tools and methods, including
planning instruments. The RE-CITY ITN enables the ESRs to act as leaders,
mediators, and consultants of change while fostering innovative solutions
and perspectives for these areas.

Through co-supervision by academics and non-academic partners, the PhDs of
RE-CITY will undertake critical, practical, and creative exploration of the
contribution and relationships between their individual doctoral study
projects across the four interconnecting research themes.

In addition to undertaking doctoral research, the PhDs will engage in a
series of collaborative research (secondments), workshops and training
schools in order to develop advanced skills and expertise in tackling
social, economic and ecological challenges linked to demographic and
structural change.

*Please note this is a general call for the whole RE-CITY ITN. More
specific requirements for individual selection criteria and information on
financial support and remuneration will be available at the shortlisted
stage. *

*The full call document is available **here
including more detailed information about the individual PhD projects.*

*Applications should be sent preferably via e-mail as one single PDF file
to **re-city at ru.uni-kl.de <re-city at ru.uni-kl.de>*
* by 12 noon (MET), 15 October 2018. For inquiries, please write to
**re-city at ru.uni-kl.de
<re-city at ru.uni-kl.de>**. *

General information about the Marie Skłodowska Curie (MSCA) Innovative
Training Network programme can be found here:

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