[Kaupunkitutkimus] Position for postdoctoral researcher (urban geography) at the University of Turku, DL 19.4.18

Päivi Rannila paivi.rannila at utu.fi
Tue Apr 10 21:24:47 EEST 2018

Hei kollegat,

Tiedoksenne avoinna oleva postdoc-tutkijan paikka (kaupunkimaantiede) Turun yliopistossa. Ilmoitusta saa mielellään jakaa eteenpäin verkostoissanne.

Yst. terv. Päivi Rannila, Turun yliopisto

Position for Postdoctoral researcher (urban geography) open at the University of Turku. Please, distribute in your networks.


The University of Turku is a world-class multidisciplinary research university which offers interesting challenges and a unique vantage point to national and international research and education.


Applications are hereby invited for the post of Postdoctoral researcher (urban geography), at the University of Turku, in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the Department of Geography and Geology, the Geography Division.

The post will be filled through a fixed-term employment for 12 months starting preferably 1.5.2018. The fixed-term is due to completing the related research report.

The post is subject to a four month trial period.

The post is placed at the Geography section of the Department of Geography and Geology. Geography is an attractive, broad-focused and unitary discipline at the University of Turku. It currently includes 5 professors and ca. 40 researchers or other staff members. Teaching is high-quality and cost-efficient, and student graduation is at a very good level. Also research performance indicators show steady increase in both peer reviewed publications and research funding.

The national profiling of the Geography discipline in Finland (year 2016) distinguished the focus of the University of Turku on 1) Integrative Geography, 2) Development, Economic and Urban Geographies, and 3) Geography of Waters and Coasts. Scientific research is carried out at high academic level in Europe, Africa and South America, involving both basic and applied studies as well as research-based societal interaction with for example public authorities and companies.

The duties

The duties of the postdoctoral researcher include conducting scientific research in urban geography at the Geography Division and supporting the division’s tuition in urban geography. The research themes have not been specified in this call and they can be, for example, critical or applied urban geography showing a clear contribution to the division’s research activities.

The postdoctoral researcher we seek for should be active researcher publishing in international journals, willing and able to foster research collaboration inside the Geography Division and be able to publish joint international articles. The work requires also active daily interaction in the research group at the Geography Division at the University of Turku. The duties also include 5% of the working hours dedicated to teaching and departmental duties related to development, economic and urban geographies.

Formal qualifications

A person selected for the post must possess a doctoral degree in geography or related discipline. The post requires ability to independent research and the ability to provide high-quality research-based teaching, the latter up to 5% of the work load. When assessing an applicant’s merits, scientific publications and other research outcomes of scientific value and teaching experience will be taken into account. The person should have a good command of English. The good command of Finnish is an asset, too, however, foreigners and Finnish citizens who are not native Finnish speakers, can be appointed to teaching and research positions without demonstrating the decreed mastery of the Finnish language.


The salary for the post is determined in accordance with the university salary system for teaching and research personnel. The task specific salary component for the postdoctoral researcher is 2,893,95 euro per month (according to level 5 of the job demands chart). In addition, a personal work performance component will be paid. The personal work performance component is a maximum of 46.3 % of the task specific salary component. The salary will be specified and negotiated when preparing the employment contract.


 Applications are submitted to the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Applications must include:

1)     A curriculum vitae

2)     An academic portfolio in accordance with university practice http://www.utu.fi/en/university/come-work-with-us/Pages/Coming-to-Work-for-the-University.aspx

3)     A list of the applicant’s scientific publications

4)     A research and publication plan for the period (in English, up to 5 pages)

5)     Other documents that can be relevant for filling the post.

Applications must be submitted 19th April 2018 at the latest via the electronic application form of the University of Turku. The link to the electronic application system is found at the beginning of this announcement (Apply for the job).


Enquiries concerning the appointment procedure may be directed to Professor Jussi S. Jauhiainen, phone +358 50 448 1208, email: jussi.jauhiainen at utu.fi.


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