[Kaupunkitutkimus] Nordic Urban Laboratory, Espoo/Hanasaari 22 - 24.3.: last call, final programme with workshops & daily prices

Maunu Häyrynen mauhay at utu.fi
Sat Mar 17 13:24:08 EET 2018

Hello all

Registering to Nordic Urban Laboratory is still open here: https://goo.gl/forms/HfefFv6v7cyqck6Z2, 

Final programme with workshop descriptions (3 tracks):

One day registration is possible with the prices 200 (Thu) / 200 (Fri) / 50e (Sat), for students 100/100/50e.


Maunu Häyrynen
Professor in Landscape Studies
University of Turku
mauhay at utu.fi
Mobile +358-40-864 9406

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